I love to write and I don't know what to say in this moment so I'm going to do my best. In 2020 I felt like it was the biggest election of my lifetime. I was wrong. 2024 was and will likely be the biggest election of my lifetime. In four years I have seen my country being taken over by illegal immigration, shamed over whether they were vaccinated or not, the weaponization of government against policital opponents, abortion rights to the extreme, censorship, gender confusion and mutilation, high inflation, men invading women's spaces. Not to mention the world being on fire with wars. Over the past year the Lord has planted a deep passion of His word in my heart. He also planted a love of politics and engagement in my heart. The more I got to know the Lord, the more fired up I'd get about the things that matter to Him. It was in early 2023 that I applied to be a CWA chapter leader. I am unequipped to lead but the Lord has been so kind to me, strengthening me and preparing me and planting seeds. My prayer is to continue to lead my group and honor Him in all I do. The election is over with triumphant results and I am incredibly thankful for God's mercy for my children and my grandchildren. America did not deserve His grace. It is my mission to point everyone I know to Jesus and I will never apologize for it. It's not a human leader that will change the hearts of Americans, it's the love of Jesus and the holy spirit within us. Glory to God for his goodness.