Thursday, April 30, 2015

Happy 9th Birthday, Nick

 How can this boy be 9?  Nine is hard for me because the way I see it, Nick has lived the first half of his life with us and he's now entering the second half (until he turns 18) - just another 9 more years until he's officially an adult.  Nick has been so enjoyable in the months leading up to age 9.  He's funny, always willing to try something new, loves to shoot his gun with his dad and brother and fishing is still his favorite past time.  He's obsessed with eating waffles and eggs (hence the picture above).  I'm so proud of the school year he's had.  He's worked hard and his confidence is so much better!
I love this picture because it's so Jay and Nick - always screwing around. These boys have their moments as all siblings do.  They love doing the same things; shooting, fishing, playing basketball together, jumping on the trampoline and watching movies together.  They would never admit it but they really are each others best friends! 
Happy Birthday, Nick!  I love you to the moon and back!!   

Monday, April 27, 2015

Birthday parties galore

 As we approach Nick's 9th birthday we kicked it into high gear this weekend.  It always seems like birthdays go on for about a week in our house - ha!  On Friday night, Nana and Mimi came over and celebrated. 

 Nick elected for a friend birthday party this year.  After this party I will have two more parties left - Hallejah!  Nick invited friends over and they played at froggie island then returned to our house to play kick ball, cook out and eat cake and ice cream.  It was fun but as my friend, Sarah says, boy birthday parties are a bit like "Lord of the Flies."  It was insanity!  But again, the boys seemed to have had fun and that's all that matters. 
 The boys got into digging a dam and catching fish (with their bare hands, don't ask).  Alex came over early and I took Nick and Alex to see a movie. 

Nick's friend, Jacob, gave him their STEM project from school.  Apparently, Nick and Jacob and two other kids worked on this together.  Nick said he "engineered" the whole thing.  When the project was done, only one child from the group got to take it home and Jacob was the lucky winner.  Jacob knew how much the project meant to Nick so he wrapped it up for him for his birthday.  It was Nick's favorite gift.  He said to me last night when he was going to bed, "Mom, it may look like a piece of crap but trust me, it's super cool."  Nick and his group of friends make me smile! 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

All about planets

Nick had a planet project due recently and let me tell you this boy was on fire for this project. The picture is of Nick holding his very large project and his grade; 50 points out of 50 points!  Woot, Woot.  He's a lot like Mike when he starts a project, he's very meticulous.  He has definite ideas how he wants his project to turn out.  Sometimes mom and Nick go head to head on these projects, imagine that?  But dad and Nick do just fine - like father, like son.  Anyway, it was an absolute joy for me to watch Nick throughout this project. Nick had many struggles his 1st and 2nd grade year but 3rd grade has rocked and even with all the testing our government has pushed on our kids, it was refreshing to Nick (and I'm sure the other third graders too) to get excited about something and really learn something, without being tested on it.  Nick can recite all the planets and tell you what is special about each one of them.  He also tried out for the third grade planet play (more on that after May 8) and got the role he wanted, Mercury!  As a mother my heart is full to see and watch my boy this year.  While is it true Nick shows affectionate easily (physical touch is his love language, ha), about two weeks ago we were at his spring fling so there were people everywhere and the school was a mad house.  Nick and I were making our way through the school when he saw his third grade teacher, he went right up to her and put his arms around her!  Sometimes actions speak louder than words.  Well done, Mrs. Westerfield, well done. 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

17 years - Yowzers

I woke up this morning to rain, much like a Saturday 17 years ago (although this rain today was worse), my wedding day.  I was the ripe ole age of 23 (almost 24) and Mike was 25.  In the picture above I was almost 20 and Mike was 21.  We've been together for 21 years and in 21 years I have never questioned or doubted any word he's spoken or any action he's taken.  I'd follow him anywhere, blind-folded.  There is a song out right now by Casting Crowns called, "Broken."  I love it and I think it speaks to couples who have been married for a long time. Mike and I are not the same people who walked down that aisle 17 years ago.  Fatherhood has mellowed Mike out.  I view things differently now that I'm a mother.  And as Mike and I age and our boys get older I realize that when the boys are gone it will just be Mike and I as it was in the first 4 years we were married except the difference is we won't be in our 20's!  Ha!  I'm just happy he's the one I'll grow old with, God willing.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Birthdays & Brothers

As we approach Nick's 9th birthday, Nick has elected for a kid birthday party.  I've told Nick he has three more kid birthday parties up until 13.  He's decided he wants one this year.  I try to think through kid birthday parties so they are successful.  Nick wants kids over to our house to play and cook out.  I was fine with this but it did occur to me that perhaps it would be best if Jay wasn't here.  It's of no reflection of Jay, only that he's 13 and 9 year old boys tend to think an athletic and fun 13 year old is way cooler than their 9 year old friend.  It's nothing Jay does, it's just human nature.  I've noticed that when Nick's friends come over, they tend to get very interested in Jay and what he's doing.  Again, it's of no reflection of Nick or his friends, it's just cool for a 9 year old to hang out with the 13 year old, especially the boys who don't have an older brother.  When I mentioned this to Nick, that I had every intention of finding other plans for Jay that day he didn't miss a beat and replied, "It's not a birthday party without my brother."  I was honest with Nick with my reasoning on why I thought it was best if his older brother wasn't present for his friend birthday party but Nick wouldn't budge.  He insisted it's not a party without his brother.  My heart melted.  I think we older siblings don't always have a true grasp or appreciation of the devoted love shown to us from our younger siblings.  When I related this story to my sister, she stopped me before I could conclude the story to tell me her reaction, that she never would have agreed to a kid party without her sister there.  Now that is one meaningful birthday gift. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Toads are back

 The weather was beautiful yesterday and Jay, Nick and Curtis took full advantage of it.  They caught the mother load of toads.  Don't worry, they caught them and released them.  I love this time of year, although I could do with less rain but it's not too hot and the boys play outside for hours. 
                                                     Oops, they had 'em until they didn't. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Can you get an ant in a net?

Nick was working on a homework sheet today that asked him questions and he had to answer Yes or No.  Mike was present for this line of questioning and I was witness to it.  Here's how the conversation between father and son went:
Nick: "Dad, can you get an ant in a net?"
Dad: "What kind of ant?  Is it an ant or aunt?"
Nick" An ant as in a bug."
Dad: "What kind of net is it?  Does it have big holes or small holes?  An aquarium net could most certainly hold an ant?" 
It was at this point I had to remind Mike that this was 3rd grade homework.  It doesn't have to be analyzed to the ninth degree.  Mike was quick to point out that if one had an ounce of intellect that the questions could be construed several different ways.  Nick read the next question, "Can a belt jump?"  Mike asked, "What kind of belt is it, the one you wear on your waist or a car belt because my a belt in my truck can jump back on you."  One thing lead to another and then Nick was off on his almost daily political rant which I won't write about in my blog but trust me when I tell you Nick is very politically minded.  It was also at this point that I choose to walk away.  Who knew such simple questions would evoke such an interesting conversation with father and son this afternoon.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I will miss

The weather is finally getting nice and Nick has been beyond anxious to go fishing.  Mike keeps telling him that although the air is warm, the water is not.  However, this Sunday Jay finally relented and took Nick fishing.  As the boys jumped on their dad's tail gate with their fishing poles in hand and buckets at their side I watched them from the kitchen window, thinking that one day I will miss this scene; dirty boys in warm weather going fishing.  I might even miss them coming home with their catch and filleting it (maybe).  I will miss the daily sound of Jay's four wheeler.  I will miss the sound of hammering coming from Jay and Nick's forts.  I might even miss their muddy clothes - nah!  My boys are getting older and it is true that time flies, especially when you're having fun.  This time of year we start to slow down from our whirlwind school year, full of activities.  I am once again thankful for another successful year, one filled with good grades, active boys and the conclusion of a very long winter into spring.  Spring is the season of our life where we can all breath again and enjoy each other around the dinner table, all things I'm sure this momma will miss greatly, once these seasons pass. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter

 What a glorious Easter day!  He has Risen!!  My sister was kind enough to host Easter this year and we really enjoyed ourselves!  Jay, age 13; Nick, age 8; Lauren, age 7; Luke, age 4.

                                    My grandparents came and we enjoyed spending time with them.