Monday, November 19, 2018

Always good

It's the week of Thanksgiving!  Thanksgiving weekend is my favorite holiday/weekend.  We have a lot to be thankful for.  My mom is doing really good.  I feel like the three of us turned a corner this month.  Things have felt more normal.  Mom has done several things this month that she did pre-stroke.  She's lunched with friends, went shopping with Kim and I, and went to a Beatles concert - yep, a Beatles concert.  She even stayed out until 10:30!  Ha.  She is truly an inspiration and each month that goes by I am beyond thankful to our loving God who gave mom, Kim and I a second chance.  For several months Kim and I were afraid to exhale, our fears giving in to the ways of the world and what might happen next.  Even after everything that has happened the last 3 years I still find it hard to fully trust God, even though I know full well God is good, and his timing is perfect.  I'm reading Lysa Terkeurst new book, "It Isn't Supposed To Be This Way," and boy am I learning!  I'm a work in progress.  No one knows or understands my weaknesses better than God.  Lysa describes walking a tightrope in her book.  I've walked a lot of tightropes and never once has God let me fall - not once.  During each situation He is faithful.  Yes, I get frustrated because my humanly self gets discouraged with time frames.  My focus is on how long my suffering is taking and when will it ever end.  When I finally make it to the end of that tightrope I am better, I am stronger and there is good, always good.

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