Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Clearing your land

 About eight years ago Mike and I were able to buy the land right next to our house.  When we bought it it was nothing but overgrown bushes and thorns.  It wasn't anything to look at, that's for sure.  Recently Mike started clearing the land.  I've been so drawn to this process and the work Mike has done.  I've admired the beauty of this property.  It doesn't look much from this picture but most evenings as the sun starts to set the suns light beams stream through the trees in colors of orange and pinks.  It reminds me of God's beauty and His gift of nature.  The holy spirit has been speaking to my heart about what is it to be free in Christ.  Let me explain.  I was listening to my favorite podcaster, Susie Larson, and she gave such a wonderful analogy which provided imagery for me that was literally right outside my bedroom window.  She spoke about all the land we give up to the enemy.  God desires us to have freedom in Jesus.  It struck me almost immediately.  I thought of this land and how for years it's been covered in overgrown bushes and thorns.  At times during my own personal faith walk my heart has been weighed down with overgrown bushes which often has me bracing for impact.  As my relationship with Jesus grows and matures I give up more land that the enemy has occupied and I clear those overgrown bushes and thorns for the abundant life that Jesus provides.  It's freedom to experience all that He has for me.  Freedom from fear, bondage, insecurity.  God knows its a process with me.  I compare it to the picture above.  My land is more cleared out than it was a month ago, even a week ago but it's not perfect.  There are still stumps and thorns in the mess.  Slowly but surely the holy spirit is revealing the lies the enemy has me believing and is clearing my land and space for who God says I am.  You see truth and freedom go hand and hand.  I can't have true freedom without the truth of Jesus.  The greatest freedom that was ever provided was in fact the greatest love story ever told.  Jesus loved us so much that he provided a way for each of us to be free.