Monday, July 29, 2024

July Conclusion

As July wraps up I wanted to blog about what Nick has been up to.  He works, fishes, sleeps, hangs with friends - repeat.  I hardly ever see him but such is life and as I always say, it's Nick's world, I just live in it.  Nick is dating a really nice girl right now.  She is so thoughtful and kind and brings out the best in Nick.  She has the patience of a saint too.  Afterall it's been over a month and she hasn't dumped him.  She seems to roll with the punches when it comes to Nick's ridiculous work schedule and fishing obsession.  Last week Mike and I took them out for dinner and had a delightful time with them.  
Nick and Chase.  They are working at the same employer this summer.  I can only imagine the shenanigans these boys get into everyday.  Chase is leaving at the end of August for lineman school.  Chase has my heart.  He is truly one of my favorite people.  He'll be away at school for several months and quite honestly he could land a job just about anywhere.  I know Nick will miss him and so will our entire family.  
And the big news is Nick and his fishing partner, B., left for Nationals on Saturday.  This is Nick's second and last year going.  What an honor.  Mike and John are flying to TN later this week to see Nick's final weigh in on Friday.  Here's to hoping for a successful week!!  

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