Monday, September 30, 2024

Lauren's big weekend and Fishing (of course)

This weekend Lauren had homecoming.  I love my niece to pieces and it's a joy to be a part of her life and witness her morph into a beautiful young woman.  Sweet Trystan did her hair and make up.  Not only is Trystan so good at what she does but she is so easy to be around and so kind.  We hung out all day on Saturday and had such a nice time togther.  
These 3 girls have my heart.  Rylan (in blue) is Nick's girlfriend and as I've always said it would take a special girl to put up with Nick and Rylan is that girl.  God bless her.  

Speaking of Nick.  He took off on Thursday for Detroit for an adult fishing tournament.  Nick and his partner got into the water on Saturday morning only to have the boat break down.  One thing lead to another and when it became clear the boat wasn't going to get fixed, Nick headed home on Saturday afternoon.  He was bummed but I'm sure life lessons were learned.  I was glad to have him home.  This was a tournament he went to by himself and me being a worry wart, worried!  In true Nick fashion he got up at the crack of dawn Sunday morning and was a fishing captain for his H.S. team.  I love that Nick pays it forward to this next generation of kids.  What a way to mentor them.   

And doesn't Lauren look gorgeous?  She is so grown up this year.  Her braces are off, her hair and make up are stunning (thanks Trystan), her dress is so pretty on her.  More than anything though Lauren is so beautiful from the inside.  She has such a heart for the Lord and she's incredibly kind to others.  It's a privledge to be her aunt.  

Monday, September 16, 2024

Shrimp Boil & Fishing

Every year we get together with Jay's friend group parents for the shrimp boil.  We believe we've doing it for 9 years now.  We usually do it on the 4th of July but due to schedules we couldn't do it until September.  Full disclosure, I kind of preferred doing it in September this year.  It was a wee bit cooler.  Our boils look differently because all of our kids have grown up.  Jay did show up this year and so did Aaron and Reece.  Of course I had to snap a pic.  Trystan stayed behind because her dog had surgery (but all is well with Vodie).  
These boys have been friends since 1st grade.  
Nick was a fishing captain this weekend to the next crew of anglers.  I am so proud of Nick.  He works LONG hours and then spends his weekend mentoring these boys.  It's a good pay it forward story.  

Monday, September 2, 2024

My Sweet Season

 Here it is Labor Day.  This is such a sweet season of life right now and I'm so thankful.  In 2015 Mike lost his job and we headed into what was 7 very challenging years.  Mike started a business,  my beloved grandparents died (which it was today 8 years ago that my grandma died), my dad passed away, the Ausili's moved to Texas, my mom suffered two strokes and Covid hit.  By 2022 it was apparent we would have to move mom out of her home.  She broke her femur and spent two weeks in the hospital battling Covid and trying to heal from leg surgery.  During that exhausting summer Kim and I moved mom three times.  Just this week I was reading through my daily devotionals and I had made a note from August 2022 that those weeks were the hardest six weeks of my life.  From 2022 until now things have been relatively quiet.  I enjoy quiet seasons.  These past two years the Lord has been so kind.  He knew I would need time to adjust to empty nest and He's put new things in front of me that I've grabbed a hold of.  I'm not adequate to really do any of them but I'm far enough in my faith walk to know He will equip and strengthen me in what He's asked of me.  I'm involved at church and started a meal ministry.  I am a new chapter leader of C.W.A (concerned women of america).  This is the role I feel the least equipped for but I'm passionate about it.  My bible study group that Kim and I started in 2020 is still going strong and I am incredibly blessed by this group of women.  I am also in the sweetest season with my adult sons.  How many times have I said parenting is a crap shoot?  Now that I can see raising kids from my rear view mirror I know that when it's said and done you do the best you can, making mistakes along the way and praying your way through everything.  As a child of divorced parents my mom was an excellent single parent.  Acknowledging this about my mom and many single parents I write this with humility.  I'm certain one of the things Mike and I did right was having a strong marriage.  Our boys knew home was safe and they were loved.  Mike and I were always shoulder to shoulder in every decision we made.  

Over these past several months I've entered a season of new relationships.  I've enjoyed relationships with my church family.  Mike and I have entered into a budding relationship with Mike's dad.  It's been a joy to spend time with him.  I've gotten to know Trystan and Rylan (Nick's girlfriend).  Those girls fill my cup everytime I'm around them.  Two nights ago I hosted Trystan's family for dinner.  It was really a pinch me moment.  Her family is everything I have hoped and prayed for for Jay.  They are a beautiful family and have embraced him.  Trystan and her family are an answer to years of prayer.  As we sat on our patio and conversated it occurred to me that the Lord was faithful during my 7 years in the valley.  He used every struggle to grow me in my faith.  He knew what my life would look like and when my break through would happen.  I know there will be more hard times ahead which is why I'm so grateful for the sweet seasons.  For today I will rest in knowing that no matter what God is good.  He works all things out for our good and His glory.   

Saturday, August 24, 2024

What's new

Well the month of August really got away from me.  This month has been different because I have no kids in school anymore.  The other day I pulled out one of my blog books from 10 years ago and just had to laugh.  I was so busy!  My life has changed dramatically.  My boys are graduated from high school.  Jay is entering his 2nd year into his apprenticeship program and no longer lives at home.  Jay and Trystan have been dating almost a year.  I adore her.  She adds so much to our family.  Nick graduated and is working at the same job he had in high school, although he will most likely have a new opportunity very soon, job wise.  He is helping his fishing team as a captain.  We hardly see him but this weekend we had a small service for Linda and Nick was home.  The four of us had breakfast together.  My momma's heart was full!  
Last night I hosted a birthday dinner for John and earlier in the week I hosted Nick's fishing coach and his captain. The picture above is of Nick's girlfriend, Rylan (right) and Branston's girlfriend, Hannah (left) and his sister in the middle.  I'm not use to throwing a dinner party on a Monday night but it was the only night that worked for everyone.  It was a lovely night and it was way I could say thankful for all Ryan and Jon's hard work.  

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

First day of Nationals

 And they are off!  Today is the first day of Nick and B's tournament.  Nick tells us the fishing is very challenging.  Mike and John leave tomorrow.  Can't wait to see how our boys do! 

Monday, July 29, 2024

July Conclusion

As July wraps up I wanted to blog about what Nick has been up to.  He works, fishes, sleeps, hangs with friends - repeat.  I hardly ever see him but such is life and as I always say, it's Nick's world, I just live in it.  Nick is dating a really nice girl right now.  She is so thoughtful and kind and brings out the best in Nick.  She has the patience of a saint too.  Afterall it's been over a month and she hasn't dumped him.  She seems to roll with the punches when it comes to Nick's ridiculous work schedule and fishing obsession.  Last week Mike and I took them out for dinner and had a delightful time with them.  
Nick and Chase.  They are working at the same employer this summer.  I can only imagine the shenanigans these boys get into everyday.  Chase is leaving at the end of August for lineman school.  Chase has my heart.  He is truly one of my favorite people.  He'll be away at school for several months and quite honestly he could land a job just about anywhere.  I know Nick will miss him and so will our entire family.  
And the big news is Nick and his fishing partner, B., left for Nationals on Saturday.  This is Nick's second and last year going.  What an honor.  Mike and John are flying to TN later this week to see Nick's final weigh in on Friday.  Here's to hoping for a successful week!!  

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Cousin Time

 I say it all the time.  I'm extraordinarily blessed to have meaningful and intentional relationships with all my girls cousins on both my mom's side and my dad's side.  It's such a blessing.  Yesterday I took Kim and her cast because they are a package deal these days (even though you can't see her leg in this picture) and we drove up to Cora's where we spent time with Cora and Amber.  Cora took us to fun cocktail bar where we had flights.  We each picked something different so we could try them all. Mine was an old fashioned flight.  We all agreed it was probably the best flights we ever had.  Love these girls so much.  Until next time.