Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Last Day of High School

The day has finally arrived! It's true that nobody is happier than Nick but I'm a very close second.  There are no tears being shed today from this momma.  Nick's junior and senior years haven't been easy, mostly because Nick didn't want to be there.  He had "more important" things to do like working and fishing.  All this kid has wanted to do is work, fish, eat (a little), sleep, repeat.  I'm pretty sure that teachers either loved him or hated him.  There was probably no in between.  Where Jay was compliant, Nick was a nuisance.  He was respectful but questioned authority at every turn.  When he left school today he apologized to his teachers and the office staff.  To the teacher who told Nick he'd never get far in life or make anything of himself, I say watch him.  Just watch what this kid does in these next few years.  Now go get 'em, Nick.  

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Reflections on turning 50

 I've been 50 for four days now.  I don't feel any different.  It's just an age, after all.  But in these 50 years of life I have learned a thing or two.  I know I don't do life perfectly.  I mess things up and will continue to stumble this side of heaven.  The blessing as a Christ follower is I rely on Jesus to get me through everything and I do mean everything.  I can pretty much do nothing on my own.  Another blessing is in knowing that however long I'm on this earth I will continue to grow and mature in my faith.  I'll never be done chasing after Jesus.  I won't think, "Gee, I know all there is to know about Jesus."  Won't ever happen.  These are just a few things I know with absolute certainity in a very uncertain world with a  culture that is decaying every minute, riddled in deception and moral insanity.  The older I get the simpler I become.  All I really want is to spend time with my family, my friends and my God.  Sure I want to travel more, reconnect with Mike now that the boys are raised, spend meaningful time with my adult sons as they hopefully expand our family with wives and grandchildren one day but in the end my greatest hearts desire is that I love everyone around me well and that God is pleased with me.   

As Charlie Chaplin once wrote, "We are all tourists, God is our travel agent who already made our itineraries, bookings and destinations.  Trust Him and enjoy life.  Life is a journey, live today." 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

I'm 50!!!

Oh my goodness I just got back today from spending my birthday with my dear husband in Nashville! I came up with this idea a few months ago and what a great decision it was.  Since Nick is now 18 and my sister agreed to keep all 3 dogs (God bless her).  It was my hearts desire to spend my big birthday in my favorite city of Nashville.  It did not disappoint.  Mike and I traveled on May 9 and arrived late in the afternoon.  We had dinner at Martin's BBQ and headed to our favorite whiskey bar, Standard Proof.  We ended the evening at Luke Bryan's roof top bar.  This is me enjoying my birthday dessert - more on that.  
Here we are on my actual birthday.  In the morning we got up and toured the Country Music Hall of Fame Museum.  I loved it.  We then walked up and down Broadway.  We would stop at a few bars (picture above), have a drink, enjoy the music and then we'd keep walking (I ended my birthday with 21,000 steps).  We went to the Assembly Food Hall and loved it.  We literally ate a ridiculous amount of food.  By early evening we headed back to our hotel and got ready for our amazing dinner at Oak Steakhouse.  The fries!  No joke.  The fries were the appetizer we got and Mike and I will talk about those fries till our dying day.  We ended the evening at the Nashville Symphony.  A folk singer (Amos Lee) was singing with the symphony.  It wasn't Mike's favorite but I loved it and like he said, it was my birthday so the fact that I enjoyed it was all that mattered.  We got up this morning and headed home.  What a fabulous week I've had with the amazing party my sister threw me last weekend and my fabulous trip to Nashville with Mike.  I am so excited about this new chapter of my life.  


Monday, May 6, 2024

My 50th Birthday Brunch

My sister truly outdid herself on my 50th birthday party.  Several months ago I really wasn't sure I even wanted a party but then as I thought about it I knew it would be fun.  I just had to really think on what kind of party I wanted and came up with the idea to do a brunch, open house style.  I thought this picture of me is very fitting because right as Kim took the picture the slide show picture of my family popped up.  I have more thoughts to write on about turning 50 and what it means to me but for this blog I'll simply focus on my fun party.  For about a week leading up to the party I got my hair and nails done and my eyebrows tinted.  Forty eight hours before the party I got my first spray tan which was worth every penny by the way.  Of course the first night I got it done Nick asked me what the heck had happened to me.  He could hardly take me seriously with my bronzy tan and tinted eyebrows.  The eyebrows and the tan calmed down (which I knew they would) by Saturday.  These are probably all things my 30 year self wouldn't have done but this almost 50 year old felt it was a necessity.  Ha.  
My beloved sister.  She worked so hard at my party.  I've thanked her a thousand times.  I just can't say enough about how hard she worked and how much thought she put into my party.  She is also really good at planning parties, something I'm not so great it.  I have a lot to live up to for her 50th.  Thankfully I have four years to plan it and I can enlist Lauren's help.  Ha!  Notice the huge balloon display.  She and our friend, Janet, worked on it together and Kim said it was a huge pain.  God bless my sister.  

Sarah and Mary also helped Kim.  They both made food.  I love these women.  I'm constantly thanking God for placing them in my life.  Sadly Mary could not stay for my party  A very dear family friend had passed away and his funeral was the day of my party (another indicator of our age.  Funerals are becoming more consistent).  
My dear momma.  It's so hard for her to get around these days but she loves a good party.  She enjoyed seeing a few of my girlfriends and chatting with people.  Leslie brought mom and I'm so thankful.  
I joked with Jay that he got the favorite son award for my party.  Nick had a pre-planned fishing tournament and could not attend.  Boo.  Trystan was sick so Jay came solo to my party.  I sure do love this boy.  

 Mike was in charge of the waffle bar for my party.  Notice his shirt.  He was hard to miss.  He is such a blessing to me.  

I'm so humbled by all my friends who came to my party and by Kim's kind and thoughtful heart.  Here's to 50! 

Friday, May 3, 2024

First Place - Sectionals

 Yesterday Nick and his fishing partner, Brantson, fished in the IHSA Sectionals and got first place!  I am so excited for Nick and his team.  What an accomplishment.  There are still several more tournaments ahead.  After school tonight Nick takes off a weekend of fishing.  There is no rest for Nick these days but he loves it.  As my grandpa use to say it's just the way we like it.