Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Last Day of High School

The day has finally arrived! It's true that nobody is happier than Nick but I'm a very close second.  There are no tears being shed today from this momma.  Nick's junior and senior years haven't been easy, mostly because Nick didn't want to be there.  He had "more important" things to do like working and fishing.  All this kid has wanted to do is work, fish, eat (a little), sleep, repeat.  I'm pretty sure that teachers either loved him or hated him.  There was probably no in between.  Where Jay was compliant, Nick was a nuisance.  He was respectful but questioned authority at every turn.  When he left school today he apologized to his teachers and the office staff.  To the teacher who told Nick he'd never get far in life or make anything of himself, I say watch him.  Just watch what this kid does in these next few years.  Now go get 'em, Nick.  

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Reflections on turning 50

 I've been 50 for four days now.  I don't feel any different.  It's just an age, after all.  But in these 50 years of life I have learned a thing or two.  I know I don't do life perfectly.  I mess things up and will continue to stumble this side of heaven.  The blessing as a Christ follower is I rely on Jesus to get me through everything and I do mean everything.  I can pretty much do nothing on my own.  Another blessing is in knowing that however long I'm on this earth I will continue to grow and mature in my faith.  I'll never be done chasing after Jesus.  I won't think, "Gee, I know all there is to know about Jesus."  Won't ever happen.  These are just a few things I know with absolute certainity in a very uncertain world with a  culture that is decaying every minute, riddled in deception and moral insanity.  The older I get the simpler I become.  All I really want is to spend time with my family, my friends and my God.  Sure I want to travel more, reconnect with Mike now that the boys are raised, spend meaningful time with my adult sons as they hopefully expand our family with wives and grandchildren one day but in the end my greatest hearts desire is that I love everyone around me well and that God is pleased with me.   

As Charlie Chaplin once wrote, "We are all tourists, God is our travel agent who already made our itineraries, bookings and destinations.  Trust Him and enjoy life.  Life is a journey, live today." 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

I'm 50!!!

Oh my goodness I just got back today from spending my birthday with my dear husband in Nashville! I came up with this idea a few months ago and what a great decision it was.  Since Nick is now 18 and my sister agreed to keep all 3 dogs (God bless her).  It was my hearts desire to spend my big birthday in my favorite city of Nashville.  It did not disappoint.  Mike and I traveled on May 9 and arrived late in the afternoon.  We had dinner at Martin's BBQ and headed to our favorite whiskey bar, Standard Proof.  We ended the evening at Luke Bryan's roof top bar.  This is me enjoying my birthday dessert - more on that.  
Here we are on my actual birthday.  In the morning we got up and toured the Country Music Hall of Fame Museum.  I loved it.  We then walked up and down Broadway.  We would stop at a few bars (picture above), have a drink, enjoy the music and then we'd keep walking (I ended my birthday with 21,000 steps).  We went to the Assembly Food Hall and loved it.  We literally ate a ridiculous amount of food.  By early evening we headed back to our hotel and got ready for our amazing dinner at Oak Steakhouse.  The fries!  No joke.  The fries were the appetizer we got and Mike and I will talk about those fries till our dying day.  We ended the evening at the Nashville Symphony.  A folk singer (Amos Lee) was singing with the symphony.  It wasn't Mike's favorite but I loved it and like he said, it was my birthday so the fact that I enjoyed it was all that mattered.  We got up this morning and headed home.  What a fabulous week I've had with the amazing party my sister threw me last weekend and my fabulous trip to Nashville with Mike.  I am so excited about this new chapter of my life.  


Monday, May 6, 2024

My 50th Birthday Brunch

My sister truly outdid herself on my 50th birthday party.  Several months ago I really wasn't sure I even wanted a party but then as I thought about it I knew it would be fun.  I just had to really think on what kind of party I wanted and came up with the idea to do a brunch, open house style.  I thought this picture of me is very fitting because right as Kim took the picture the slide show picture of my family popped up.  I have more thoughts to write on about turning 50 and what it means to me but for this blog I'll simply focus on my fun party.  For about a week leading up to the party I got my hair and nails done and my eyebrows tinted.  Forty eight hours before the party I got my first spray tan which was worth every penny by the way.  Of course the first night I got it done Nick asked me what the heck had happened to me.  He could hardly take me seriously with my bronzy tan and tinted eyebrows.  The eyebrows and the tan calmed down (which I knew they would) by Saturday.  These are probably all things my 30 year self wouldn't have done but this almost 50 year old felt it was a necessity.  Ha.  
My beloved sister.  She worked so hard at my party.  I've thanked her a thousand times.  I just can't say enough about how hard she worked and how much thought she put into my party.  She is also really good at planning parties, something I'm not so great it.  I have a lot to live up to for her 50th.  Thankfully I have four years to plan it and I can enlist Lauren's help.  Ha!  Notice the huge balloon display.  She and our friend, Janet, worked on it together and Kim said it was a huge pain.  God bless my sister.  

Sarah and Mary also helped Kim.  They both made food.  I love these women.  I'm constantly thanking God for placing them in my life.  Sadly Mary could not stay for my party  A very dear family friend had passed away and his funeral was the day of my party (another indicator of our age.  Funerals are becoming more consistent).  
My dear momma.  It's so hard for her to get around these days but she loves a good party.  She enjoyed seeing a few of my girlfriends and chatting with people.  Leslie brought mom and I'm so thankful.  
I joked with Jay that he got the favorite son award for my party.  Nick had a pre-planned fishing tournament and could not attend.  Boo.  Trystan was sick so Jay came solo to my party.  I sure do love this boy.  

 Mike was in charge of the waffle bar for my party.  Notice his shirt.  He was hard to miss.  He is such a blessing to me.  

I'm so humbled by all my friends who came to my party and by Kim's kind and thoughtful heart.  Here's to 50! 

Friday, May 3, 2024

First Place - Sectionals

 Yesterday Nick and his fishing partner, Brantson, fished in the IHSA Sectionals and got first place!  I am so excited for Nick and his team.  What an accomplishment.  There are still several more tournaments ahead.  After school tonight Nick takes off a weekend of fishing.  There is no rest for Nick these days but he loves it.  As my grandpa use to say it's just the way we like it.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Nick's Senior Prom

Well my last boy went to prom last night for the final time.  His girlfriend, Emma and him were a stunning couple and Nick had a great time.  I'm pretty sure there's a lot I don't know about and I'll say ignorance is bliss sometimes.  It is rather bittersweet knowing there are no more proms (as far as my kids go).  I do have a love/hate relationship with prom.  I love seeing the kids get dressed up and love seeing what the girls are wearing but I hate the worry that comes with the after party festivities.  

 The crew.  Nick's fishing partner is in this group and his best friend, Chase.  I know all the kids had such a fun time.  

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Season of life

 I've wanted to sit down for weeks and write.  I guess I haven't felt creative enough.  I doubt this writing will be creative but it's a quiet Saturday morning.  I've read my bible, listened to my pastor on his Mike Talks and finished my first cup of coffee so in my world all is well.  There's been a lot lately and I'm coming face to face with the reality of what is to be a new season of life.  I'll be 50 in 2 short weeks so there's that.  Mike and I just celebrated 26 years of marriage.  I am so thankful to God for that man who has honored me and been faithful to me for 26 years.  Nick is graduating from high school.  Jay has put an offer in on a house in Trystan's town so he will officially be moving out and moving on.  My mother in law passed away in February in Florida.  My father in law, John, stayed in FL after her passing but has just returned home.  Things were very difficult with my in laws before her passing but Mike and I are so optimistic about our future relationship with his dad.  John will be spending Nick's birthday evening with us as we move forward in building a heart felt relationship with him.  It is our deepest desire to care for him and love him during this hard time.  Needless to say things are a changing.  Someone asked me recently if I was excited to turn 50 and I didn't hesitate when I responded with a resounding Yes.  It is hard in knowing my boys don't need me anymore but this was always the goal, to raise them up right and set them free.  Recently the Lord has blessed me with new relationships.  He always knows what I need and when I need it.  He has given me a church family that I never could have imagined as little as 2 years ago.  He's answered every prayer I've had for Trystan.  She is true blessing to me and our family.  I look forward to forging a new, fresh relationship with John.  And don't even get me started on my tribe of girlfriends from Jenny to Mary to Sarah to Shannon.  They are not only dear friends to me but also my fierce prayer warriors.  At the end of May I'm starting a prayer and action group which right now only has 3 members (including me) but I am hopeful the Lord will lead more women to the cause and challenge.  I am so thankful for all the Lord's provisions.  

If I sound overly "rainbows and bunnies," don't let it fool you.  I have daily struggles and the last two weeks have been hard.  The Lord is patient with me and slowly reminds me of all I have to be thankful for.  As I often say I'll keep on keeping on, stumbling along the way but getting up and lifting my face up.  

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Texas and Prom

What a wonderful weekend it has been.  Sieb went to TX on Thursday to see Mike.  I hear they went to the shooting range and toured a distillery.  Judging by Sieb's shirt he clearly is living his best life this weekend.  Ha.  All jokes aside though.  Sieb looks forward to these trips.  It gives him a chance to get away and relax with his brother, Mike.  I call him brother because that is truly what he is.  He may not be blood but he is 100% family to Sieb and I.  
Yesterday was Lauren's prom.  Isn't she beautiful?  Sweet Trystan did her hair and it was stunning.  
Us girls spent the afternoon together.  Trystan did Lauren's hair and us girls sat around chatting and laughing.  Mary stopped by too.  It was a delightful day.  I have to pinch myself that I'm at this age where I can sit back and enjoy this new chapter in my life.  
Sweet Lauren and her good friend, Ava.  They were so excited to go last night and the weather was perfect.  I can't wait to talk to Lauren today to get all the details.  

Monday, April 8, 2024

Another weekend of fishing for Nick

I give so much credit to our coach and these boys for our fishing team!  Nick gets up early (all the time), fishes in terrible weather and loves it.  His captain and partner do the same thing.  I believe that Saturday was a rough day but Sunday they turned things around.  Our team came in as team of the year and Nick and Brantson came in 5th place.  Another great weekend for Nick and our team!


Sunday, April 7, 2024

Happy 50th Sarah

Yesterday we celebrated Sarah's 50th Birthday.  Jenny surprised her and flew in to be with her (hence the picture above).  To say Sarah was surprised is an understatement.  I'm so glad we were able to pull this off.  It's a birthday Sarah won't forget.  
The weather was gorgeous yesterday and we had a brunch for Sarah at her home.  It was lovely.  It was a small but intimate group - just the way Sarah likes it.  

My sister did so much to help with the party.  She had a mimosa bar which was a huge hit!

The three of us ended our day at Reality Bites for my favorite, a cosmopolitan.  What a blessing these girls are to me.  I don't know why the Lord blessed me with the women in my life but I'm sure glad He did.  It was wonderful having Jenny stay with me these past few days/nights.  She flies back home to Texas today.  It was such a great weekend!  

Monday, April 1, 2024

Easter & Birthday Celebration

Yesterday was Easter.  It was a wonderful day filled with worshipping our Savior and the blessing of family.  We went to church together then I hosted lunch.  The food was good, the laughter was plentiful filled with fun conversation.  I love this stage of life I'm in right now.  Adding Trystan to our mix has only brightened our gatherings.  She is a breath of fresh air and feels like she's always been a part of our family.  My mom continues to do well and loves coming out to my house.  
We celebrated Nick's "81st" birthday yesterday.  He put his candles on his cake.  Need I say more?  Nick has fishing tournaments every weekend for most of April and May.  Easter was the only day I had everyone together to sing Nick Happy Birthday! It was a month early but it worked.  
I had to include Chase in my blog post.  Each one of my boys has had one special friend that is near and dear to my heart.  With Jay it was Aaron and with Nick it's been Chase.  I love Chase.  Like Nick, he's  an old soul.  He's easy going and seems to tolerate Nick (ha).  Chase went to church with us and joined us for lunch.  Minus his mustache that he has going on in his picture, this kid is pretty great in my book - LOL.  

 My boys!  Nick is hard to corral these days but he's a good kid who will soon be a legal adult.  Jay is a joy to be around.  He's wrapping up his first year as an electrical apprentice.  My heart is full seeing him with Trystan.  As I gear up for this spring I know it will go fast.  I have so many fun things to look forward to over the next 8 weeks!  

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Whirlwind Weekend

I'm in such a sweet season of life right now and while it's true it takes some getting use to, I'm really soaking up every blessing God has for me.  One huge blessing is my church and the community of women within that church, including my dear Mary.  Every Sunday I get to worship with Mary and Shannon and all the other women whom I've come to know and love.  Yesterday morning Mary and I attended a womens breakfast at church - organized and run by sweet Shannon.  Mary and I got up early and helped Shannon.  It was amazing to see 70 women in fellowship together, worshipping, learning, sharing and laughing.  

After my womens breakfast Mike and I headed to Springfield to celebrate Karen and Kerry's 40th wedding anniversary.  I was in their wedding 40 years ago.  I was only 9 (almost 10) and like Karen said I was the only one who didn't create drama in the wedding party.  Ha!  I still remember my pale blue dress and my floral headband.  I loved the entire day.  I'm beyond blessed to have such a close relationship with my aunt and uncle and my cousins.  Family is everything.  Sadly my sidekick, Kim, couldn't be there.  She and her family went to Chicago for the weekend.  

 Aunt Karen is my favorite aunt.  We don't let too much time go by without one of us reaching out to the other to see how we are doing.  She continually makes me laugh and vice versa.  She just gets me and I her.  Vacationing with her and our family every summer is one of my most treasured memories.  Happy Anniversary! 

Today as I write this I served at church this morning and picked up some groceries on my way home.  Nick has been at a fishing tournament since Friday and Jay has been with Trystan or working so it's just been Mike and I (see what I mean when I say this season of life takes some getting use to).  I was talking to a young mother last night.  She has two boys, ages 6 and 9.  We laughed at a few of our boy stories together. It's hard for me to believe I'm past that.  I now get to hang out with my husband, relax at parties (since I'm not chasing boys), attend church events without first figuring out what the boys will do when I'm gone and enjoy quiet Sundays.  Thank you Lord for the gift of motherhood, for the blessing of my boys.  For being able to experience all the highs, lows and in betweens.  Thank you for this new season I am transitioning into.  May I reflect you in all I do, lean into you just a little more everyday and desire all that You have for me.   

Sunday, March 17, 2024

This weekend Kim and I had our sisters weekend with Lindsay.  We started doing this last year and we loved it.  This year we went to New Buffalo, MI.  We had lunch together, did a little shopping and went to our VRBO for the night.  We had a wonderful time together.  We laughed relentlessly and talked about our kids, work and life in general.  


Thursday, March 14, 2024

Say Thank You

 Jay is taking a fun trip with Trystan's family this weekend.  As he was packing last night I almost reminded him to make sure he thanked her parents.  It was only a thought, however.  I was instantly reminded that Jay is a grown adult.  Gone are the days where I was trying to mold him, provide a positive example, all while ensuring he understood what good manners were all about and how to be kind.  Although our hearts are always with our children, the argument can be made that a mother's work is never done but I beg to differ.  My work with Jay is done.  Mike and I got him to the end of the runway.  In fact he's already taken off and in flight.  There's a story my mom tells about me where I believe she knew her work with me was also done.  I had landed a summer job at a big insurance company while finishing up in college.  I believe I was dating Mike at the time - the man, who like Trystan and Jay, brought out the very best in me.  One day mom came to visit me at work.  As she waited across the atrium for me, I walked towards her, clicking in my heels the entire way.  Mom tells me she knew at that time she had done her job.  All the worry, all the sleepless nights and parenting in the trenches had been worth it.  That is exactly how I feel about Jay.  What a joy it is to witness your adult children take flight, all while remembering to say please and thank  you along the way.  

Monday, March 11, 2024

Family and Friends - FL & TX

I am at a point in my life where getting away for a week is good for my mental health.  My boys are grown and I am by myself most days, working from home, up to 12 hours a day.  The days are long and lonely.  Thankfully Mike is supportive of these little get aways.  Last Monday I flew to FL with my Uncle Kerry.  I spent a day with Kelly.  I am so blessed by all my cousins.  It is a rare gift to be close to all of them.  Kelly is my youngest cousin and lives in FL so I don't see her often.  I loved spending time with her little girl.  She was parked on my lap much of the day while I read to her.  I soaked it all in.  I was able to spend time with Karen and Kerry and see where Kelly lives.  

 On Wed morning I flew to Texas to spend time with Jenny.  I haven't seen Jenny since last July.  We worked during the days and relaxed together at night.  It was lovely.  I flew home on Saturday afternoon and here I am on Monday morning - back to reality.  

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Golden Girls and Mom

I had such a fun weekend.  It started on Thursday night.  Me, Kim, Lauren and Amber (Cora couldn't join us this time, boo) went to the Golden Girls show.  It was so funny.  We had a wonderful time together. 

 On Friday, March 1, we celebrated mom's birthday.  Faith M. and Faith R. were also able to join us.  The six of us had such a nice time at lunch.  We drank wine, ate good food and celebrated mom's 73rd birthday.  The weather lately has been so nice so that was an added bonus!  Happy Birthday, Mom!!

Monday, February 26, 2024

Sunday Funday

Yesterday was the one year anniversary for my church, Song & Sword.  I got this sweet picture taken with two of the other welcome table volunteers, Mike and Sandy.  I have met so many new people through this church community.  I am so thankful for this church, the people in the church and the pastoral leadership team.  

 It was gorgeous yesterday in Central IL.  Nick and friends went out on a double date.  So cute! 

Sunday, February 4, 2024

2nd annual Bass Bash

Last night was our 2nd bass bash.  It's our big fund raising event for the year.  I am so proud of this team and what it has accomplished.  I wrote the proposal for this team in the spring of 2020.  Our school board approved it in what was the dark days of 2020.  In early 2021 I remember me and two other guys sitting in our school library, trying to come up with a plan.  We didn't have one.  Ha.  Over what was a short amount of time Ryan found Jon (above).  Jon became our coach and what a coach he is.  Our team took off and became very successful in a short amount of time.  Last night the seniors gave a speech to Jon, thanking him for all he does for this team.  Even though Nick is graduating, he intends on being a captain next year.  Mike and I plan on continuing on as board members.  
It was so fun to have Jay and Trystan join us last night.  It's such a blessing to spend time with your adult children!  
Mike kept the books last night.  He learned a few things from last year and said this year went much smoother.  The great news is we are able to fund our upcoming spring and fall season with the money brought in last night.  Yay!
More antics with my sister.  I'm always so appreciative of her and Craig coming out for the bash.  


Friday, February 2, 2024

Dinner with Lauren

 Recently Lauren and Kim told me she didn't make honor roll but just barely - literally she missed it by a percentage point.  Learning does not come easy for Lauren (oh, how I can relate).  I see how hard she works.  Honestly I love her school but she would have made honor roll at any other school.  Her school standards are tough.  I could see she was disappointed she didn't make honor roll.  I proposed that her aunts take her out to dinner to celebrate her and that's just what we did.  Kim joined us too.  The four of us had a delightful dinner, full of conversation and laughs.  

Monday, January 22, 2024

Nana down

 On Saturday mom came out for Jay's birthday dinner.  It is getting more challenging for mom to get in and out of my house.  I don't have a railing which makes things very complicated for her and for the person trying to get her into the house.  At Christmas when mom left we put her in her wheelchair and had the guys lift in her and out of the house in her chair which worked much better.  As I was trying to get mom into the house on Saturday I made the mistake of her telling to lift her good leg up the steps first.  Her bad leg is not strong enough to hold her up and down she went.  Thankfully I was with her and was able to control her fall.  She was able to fall softly back into Kim's van.  In that moment I could see someone out of the corner of my eye.  I was sure it was Mike who came to help me.  It was Nick's best friend, Chase.  He literally swooped in and put his arms under my mom and lifted her up to safety.  About that time Nick joined the commotion and made everyone laugh by yelling, "Nana Down, Nana Down."  Then he had to help her get her shoe back on.  He didn't hold back when he said, "Nana, your feet are disgusting!"  Leave it to Nick to have us all laughing over what was a tense situation.  Chase and Nick were awesome!  Thankfully my mom was not hurt.  Kim and I made a mental note that from now on everytime mom enters and leaves my house she will be in her chair and the guys will be lifting her.  

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Jay's birthday dinner

I believe that last night was the final conclusion to Jay's birthday celebrations.  Jay and Trystan did fun stuff together all week and we were able to meet them for dinner on Jay's actual birthday.  Last night I had my usual family birthday dinner.  I had 14 people over.  My heart was full.  My mom, Kim and family came and I invited Jay's friend, Aaron (pictured with Jay)  and his parents.  I loved the noise, the laughter and the conversation.  Happy 22nd birthday dear Jay!