NOVEMBER: Nick killed his first deer and it was a big one. As I write this we have we are enjoying his meat this winter and Nick is waiting to have get the mount back of his head. I am thankful to Nick's friends who showed him the ropes of this sport.
OCTOBER: Sweet Rylan. Rylan came into Nick's life this summer and she is such a blessing to our family. She graduated from H.S. this December and will start school to become a nurse in January. This picture is from homecoming.
AUGUST: One of the biggest blessings we experienced this year is our restored relationship with John. Sadly, Linda passed away unexpectedly in February. John stayed in FL until April. When we came home for the summer and fall we spent a lot of time together. Just a week ago John flew home to spend Christmas with us and we had a really nice time together. I appreciate John's wisdom and it's been nice for Jay, Nick and Mike to have him present in their lives. This particular picture was from John's birthday dinner in August.
SUMMER: In January I got turned onto C.W.A. from a podcast. It had to have been God who orchestered it all because I can't remember exactly how one thing lead to another but in the end I got approved to be a chapter leader for C.W.A. and to say I love it is an understatement. To say I'm equipped for it is so far from the truth. The reality of it is I have to depend on God to strengthen me and guide me because trust me, I am no leader (without God's guidance). I am extremely passionate, however, about everything that C.W.A. is about. My group is slowly growing. As Mary has reminded me if I keep throwing out the net, God will provide the fishes.
JUNE: Jay and I and his girlfriend took a trip to FL. This was our annual trip with Aunt Karen and Kim's family also went. Jay and I love a good old fashioned together. Jay and his girlfriend broke up just a few weeks ago. Jay is doing well, learning more about himself along the way. Wisdom and character are often gained when break ups like these happen. As I reflect back on that trip I am so thankful for the time I got with Jay and my family. We always have a great time, even though Kim ended up breaking her foot on that trip which slowed her entire summer down.
JUNE: Kim and I attended Soul Care conference. It was life changing. I love how the Lord works and calls us to grow and abide in Him.
MAY: we lost our sweet Copper. This picture of her was taken a few days before she died. I was trying to get her to eat and she was having none of it. We miss her. She was a good dog.
MAY: The big event from 2024 was Nick's H.S. graduation. I was never so glad to see someone cross the finish line. Nick spent his entire senior year just going through the motions with the school. I don't like to use the word hate but he HATED school. I'm pretty sure that he barely passed but his teachers didn't want him back so they were willing to do whatever to make sure he passed.
MAY: May was a big month. I turned 50! Kim threw me a fabulous brunch party (picture below) and Mike and I were in Nashville on my actual birthday. I loved all of it.
APRIL: In late April we celebrated Nick's 18th birthday.
APRIL: Also in April we celebrated my dear friend, Sarah's, 50th birthday. Jenny also came home for her birthday and surprised her.
MARCH: Mike and I attended Aunt Karen and Uncle Kerry's 40th Anniversary party. I also went to FL (picture below) to visit Kelly while Aunt Karen was there.
MARCH: we celebrated Mom's 73rd birthday. Life in general is hard for mom. Her health has declined this year and it's very difficult for her to get around. In May she woke up one morning and couldn't move her legs. She spent most of the summer hindered by lack of movement but finally she was able to transfer which made things easier. She is 95% wheelchair bound now but again she can transfer so we can still get her out in a car and take her places and I'm very thankful for that.
MARCH: Kim, Lauren, Amber and I attended a Golden Girls show. Cora couldn't make it. Kim and I make an effort to get together with our cousins once every four months. It's a blessing to have a close relationship with my cousins.
The year always starts out with Jay's birthday which I couldn't get a picture to download from his birthday. Ugh. This picture of Mike and I is from February at the bass bash. That's one thing I forgot to blog about this year. Mike and I have stepped back from the fishing team because we have so many kids involved now with such capable parents who are doing a great job. I am so proud of this team and so proud of Nick. Nick and his partner, Brantson, made nationals again and competed in Alabama in late July. They didn't do great but it was an honor to go. Now that Nick's H.S. fishing career is over he is going to be a captain for the team and he'll continue to compete in adult tournaments.
It really was a great year, filled with unexpected blessings, some challenges but overall the blessings outweighed the challenges. I'm actively involved with my church (another blessing) and although my boys are grown and I am enjoying more self care for myself, it is bittersweet. That being said enjoying your adult children and witnessing the men that God is making them into is so fulfilling. It makes all those hard years of parenting and all those prayers worth it.