Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Our October challenge

The creative juices are flowing in our house!  Mike came up with a brilliant idea and for once I'm not being sarcastic (hee, hee).  His idea was to challenge Jay to a run, not just any run but Mike told Jay he can and will beat his best XC time.  Mike hung a dry erase board by our treadmill and we're off - all four of us, although Nick and I are doing it just for fun.  Yes, it does scare me a bit because Jay is 11 and Mike is 40.  I'm worried he'll stroke out on the treadmill.  So far Jay's best time is 15.09 (the distance is 2 miles).  Mike did this as a way to motivate Jay and also show him what hard works gets ya......a great sense of achievement and pride.  I would write If Mike achieves the 15.09 time but I know my husband and the proper wording is really when he achieves the 15.09 time.  He has until Oct. 30 to do it.  A certain something of Mike's is on the line.  If Mike loses then he hands this certain gift over to Jay, if Mike wins (which I'm pretty sure he will) then Jay has promised Mike he'll pay more attention to what Mike is telling him in terms of how to be your very best (notice how I didn't say the very best).  There was no way I was going to let Mike get in shape without me.  I'm sure he'll drop weight like nobody's business and I didn't want to still be feeling blah by the end of October so I'm just taking on my own challenge because plain and simple I don't run - period.  But if you look very closely in the top left hand corner you'll see my first time was 25.24 and today my 2 mile run ended in a time of 23.28!  Granted I was literally screaming "I AM DYING" by the end but I did it and I'll keep doing it.  My goal is to run 2 miles in 20 minutes.  I'll post the results at the end of October.  Oh and for giggles, Mike's running chart is in the top right hand.  Only the Sieborg would draw such neat lines with his goal clearly written at the bottom of his chart.

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