Friday, December 11, 2015


The Christmas season is in full swing.  Our tree and house are decorated for the season, although, we're hardly home to enjoy it.  Basketball season always seems to be the busiest during December.  Last night we were all home.  No practices, no games.  It was nice.   Our family is still going through changes and I have the feeling those changes will be on-going for quite some time into 2016.  But with those changes, there is great joy.  We are all learning to trust God more.  If I've learned anything during this season of my life, it's that I know nothing.  I'll have an idea in my head of how I think something should go and God will blow my "perfect" plan into oblivion & of course His plan is way better than mine.  So, although the road ahead is unknown, I trust that God has a much better plan and as our pastor said during the first Sunday that we happened to be back at church after an 8 week absence, "When the storm clouds come in and there is nothing you can do, you press pause and wait."  Oh, how Mike and I love that phrase around here.   And so my friends, even though this Christmas is a wee bit scary for me, I am filled with great joy.  Joy that my boys are happy and healthy, joy that my husband has a heart that is open, joy that we have family and friends that love us and I have joy in my heart over the gift of time.  Kind of ironic since I wrote I have a slight fear of the unknown and I don't know when we'll get the answers we're looking for but I'll explain everything one of these days and it will all make sense. 

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