Friday, February 23, 2018

Catching our breath

I admit I've been in a sour mood this entire week.  I am trying to slowly recover from last week.  I'm trying to absorb the news that Ausili's are leaving, and it's really hard.  I've pretty much walked around the house with a Kleenex in hand and puffy eyes.  But through all the sadness I see light.  God is good at that.  Last night Sarah, Jenny and I had dinner together.  When Jenny got up to use the restroom, Sarah reached across the table, grabbed my hand, with tears in her eyes she said she hoped that even though Jenny was leaving that it wouldn't change our friendship.  With tears streaming down my cheeks I told her this common hurt we share will only make us stronger & closer.  As usual God has continued to bless me with amazing friends.  The news continues to be dominated about the school shooting in Parkland, FL last week.  As a parent of a middle schooler and high schooler, my heart is broken over the devastating loss of the 17 precious children & teachers who lost their lives senselessly.  Then Billy Graham died this week, although it's sad, it's also joyous.  Reverend Graham was 99 years old and loved Jesus Christ.
I am committing to blogging more.  My goodness I haven't even posted a picture of the boys lately.  In regards to the boys, they are good!  Jay is done with basketball.  It wasn't his best season personally, but his team won games, which was refreshing.  Jay will be having more private basketball lessons.  Whether or not he decides to play his junior year remains to be seen, but he was interested enough to continue his private lessons, so we'll see.  Nick has his final basketball tournament tomorrow.  His season was just okay also, and I don't know if he'll play next year or not.  His biggest challenge will be whether or not he can make the team.  I want to spend the next several months just trying to catch my breath.  I'm so thankful for so many things.  Mike's business continues to do well.  My boys are healthy and I'm surrounded by family and good friends.  Life is good, even during times of change.

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