Thursday, August 29, 2019

August meetings

 Eight years ago I took a big leap of faith.  I quit my 16 year job that I had gotten when I was in college.  At the time there were a few people who thought I was nuts.  My sweet grandmother was one of them.  I desperately wanted to work from home.  I was confident I was doing the right thing.  It was a door God opened for me and I walked through it.  I have never looked back.  When I made the bold decision I knew God was orchestrating it.  He protected me for what was to come.  My entire department ended up losing their jobs or being forced to take different jobs.  Mike, who also worked for the same company at the time, lost his job.  I remember hearing about all this from the comfort of my basement office.  I started this job when Nick was in kindergarten and Jay was entering 4th grade.  I've been able to be present for them.  It relieved a lot of stress for me - no more commuting and flexibility to attend their school functions.  God is good.  My department has changed people over the last few years but we have one awesome group.  Wanda, our fearless leader, hired me eight years ago and since then her unit has only grown.  I'm very thankful!
 As usual August meetings did not disappoint.  Here I am with Brian and Nancy.  We were waiting for Keith Urban to perform.  I really like Keith Urban but I had no idea how excited I was to see him in concert until he came on stage!  I literally stood for the entire concert, dancing and singing.  I didn't care.  I was having fun!!

Until next time, Cincinnati!  So thankful for my group of co-workers and my job God blessed me with 8 years ago!

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