Sunday, August 11, 2019

I'm tired

Mike and I are knee deep in the comings and goings of teenagers.  To all the young parents with babies, let me tell you how it really is.  Most of you are probably in your 30's.  For the first year of your baby's life you will get little to no sleep.  For me, some days it was a wonder I even remembered how to dress myself, let alone my boys!  Eventually you move on to raising toddlers.  More sleep comes during the toddler stage but not much.  When Jay and Nick stopped napping at age 2, I was devastated.  Then you hit elementary school and as far as the sleep department goes, it is bliss!  By elementary school your kids are much more self sufficient and after baths, teeth and a bedtime story, then it's fair game how you spend your time after that.  In general in our house Jay and Nick (in elementary school) were in bed at 9:00 pm and slept through the night.  I had no idea how good I had it.  It was a small window that was gone before I knew it.  I didn't have to track the boys on our smart phones, give them curfews or lay awake at night until they got home. Fast forward to our current situation.  Jay is 17 and going into his senior year and Nick is 13, entering 8th grade.  Nick is a social butterfly but he's still at the age that he's home and settled by 10pm!  Jay, on the other hand is a different story.  He has met a really nice girl and they are spending a lot of time together.  When they are at our house I feel it's important I stay awake.  I usually watch TV until she leaves to go home.  I admit that some nights Mike takes one for the team and stays awake until she goes home but most nights we yawn together on the couch, trying for all that is holy to stay awake.  We are "middle age" you know! This summer in particular it doesn't help Mike has literally worked the last 6 weeks without a day off!  And because we are middle age I find it is rare that I sleep much past 6:30 so most nights I run on about 6 hours of sleep.

I am encouraged by Rachel Hollis.  Her blog posts inspire me and motivate me except for one teeny little thing.  She says that it's vital we all get a good nights rest!  Well duh!  But seriously this woman does not have teenagers yet, nor is she 45!  I'm telling you your sleep goes to SH** when you have teenagers and you're pre-menopausal.  You literally come full circle from being up in the middle of the night with babies to staying awake (15 years later), waiting for your teenager to walk in the door at night.  When I hear Jay pull in our drive at night I literally exhale, close my eyes and thank Jesus for his safe return.  Mike would say that within 5 minutes I am snoring logs!  Yes, Mike gets even less sleep than I do!  Considering I have another teenager to contend with (who will be driving in 3 shorts years) I use my favorite verse from my childhood book, "I think I can.....I think I can....I think I can."

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