Thursday, March 14, 2024

Say Thank You

 Jay is taking a fun trip with Trystan's family this weekend.  As he was packing last night I almost reminded him to make sure he thanked her parents.  It was only a thought, however.  I was instantly reminded that Jay is a grown adult.  Gone are the days where I was trying to mold him, provide a positive example, all while ensuring he understood what good manners were all about and how to be kind.  Although our hearts are always with our children, the argument can be made that a mother's work is never done but I beg to differ.  My work with Jay is done.  Mike and I got him to the end of the runway.  In fact he's already taken off and in flight.  There's a story my mom tells about me where I believe she knew her work with me was also done.  I had landed a summer job at a big insurance company while finishing up in college.  I believe I was dating Mike at the time - the man, who like Trystan and Jay, brought out the very best in me.  One day mom came to visit me at work.  As she waited across the atrium for me, I walked towards her, clicking in my heels the entire way.  Mom tells me she knew at that time she had done her job.  All the worry, all the sleepless nights and parenting in the trenches had been worth it.  That is exactly how I feel about Jay.  What a joy it is to witness your adult children take flight, all while remembering to say please and thank  you along the way.  

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