Saturday, April 27, 2024

Season of life

 I've wanted to sit down for weeks and write.  I guess I haven't felt creative enough.  I doubt this writing will be creative but it's a quiet Saturday morning.  I've read my bible, listened to my pastor on his Mike Talks and finished my first cup of coffee so in my world all is well.  There's been a lot lately and I'm coming face to face with the reality of what is to be a new season of life.  I'll be 50 in 2 short weeks so there's that.  Mike and I just celebrated 26 years of marriage.  I am so thankful to God for that man who has honored me and been faithful to me for 26 years.  Nick is graduating from high school.  Jay has put an offer in on a house in Trystan's town so he will officially be moving out and moving on.  My mother in law passed away in February in Florida.  My father in law, John, stayed in FL after her passing but has just returned home.  Things were very difficult with my in laws before her passing but Mike and I are so optimistic about our future relationship with his dad.  John will be spending Nick's birthday evening with us as we move forward in building a heart felt relationship with him.  It is our deepest desire to care for him and love him during this hard time.  Needless to say things are a changing.  Someone asked me recently if I was excited to turn 50 and I didn't hesitate when I responded with a resounding Yes.  It is hard in knowing my boys don't need me anymore but this was always the goal, to raise them up right and set them free.  Recently the Lord has blessed me with new relationships.  He always knows what I need and when I need it.  He has given me a church family that I never could have imagined as little as 2 years ago.  He's answered every prayer I've had for Trystan.  She is true blessing to me and our family.  I look forward to forging a new, fresh relationship with John.  And don't even get me started on my tribe of girlfriends from Jenny to Mary to Sarah to Shannon.  They are not only dear friends to me but also my fierce prayer warriors.  At the end of May I'm starting a prayer and action group which right now only has 3 members (including me) but I am hopeful the Lord will lead more women to the cause and challenge.  I am so thankful for all the Lord's provisions.  

If I sound overly "rainbows and bunnies," don't let it fool you.  I have daily struggles and the last two weeks have been hard.  The Lord is patient with me and slowly reminds me of all I have to be thankful for.  As I often say I'll keep on keeping on, stumbling along the way but getting up and lifting my face up.  

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