Monday, June 16, 2014

Sandboxes vs. Barbies

Jay is 12, Nick is 8 and yet they still play in the sandbox and love it but you'll never get Jay to admit (at least to people outside of his immediate family).  As I've always said with my boys, their personalities are totally different but they enjoy the same things so if they can get past their differences they actually enjoy each other.  Jay and Nick have been buying mini cars, trucks and tractors and playing with them in the sand box, for hours. As you can see from the picture Jay wasn't thrilled that I was taking his picture which was evidence he still plays in the sandbox.  He made me promise I would not post the picture on facebook or instragram but he never made me promise my blog (ha).  I remember when I was about Jay's age and playing with barbies was not cool but my friend, Melissa, and I would play with them.  We would tell my mom that if anyone called to not tell them we were playing with barbies - heaven forbid.  Jay is kind of the same way about the sandbox these days.  But it sure makes this momma smile seeing her two boys getting along and having some good ole fashion fun in the sandbox. 

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