Monday, June 30, 2014

The city boy and the country boy

My boys are country boys to their core.  They get testy when you take them into "the city."  Last year I remember Jay was rather worked up when we left his dog in the city with his nana.  Never mind the fact that his nana was taking excellent care of his dog.  He worried because Copper was being exposed to city life.  Nick is just as bad, probably worse than Jay.  Last week he was talking to boys in my sisters "city neighborhood."  The boys were commenting at how scratched up Nick's legs were and why was he bleeding, did he know he was bleeding?  Nick has no filter but he stayed calm and somewhat polite but I could tell he was thinking, "City Slickers" and sure enough the minute we got in the car I got to hear all about the city slicker boys who were afraid of a little blood.  So despite Jay and Nick's aversion to city life, Jay has been charmed by city life lately.  He and Curtis have spent a lot of time together at camps in "the city."  Jay has gotten to experience the advantages of city life.  He's been treated to Meat Heads, Orange Leaf (something new to him) and he and Curtis have experienced a whole level of Xbox.  On the flip side, Curtis LOVES coming out to the country.  He brings his boots every time and gets muddy at froggie island, goes swimming in the lake (in his shorts I might add) and lights fires with the boys.  Thankfully Curtis has not developed the more disgusting habits of my children which I won't name in my blog.  I enjoy seeing the friendship between Curtis the city boy and Jay the country boy. 

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