Monday, January 18, 2016

Happy 14th Birthday, Jay

 Oh my, how can Jay be 14?  Ahhh, but he is.  Okay, this is a pre-warning, this momma is gonna brag so if you don't want to read it, you might as well know in advance so you can browse through the pictures and get off my blog.  Ha.  I am not a mother who brags on Facebook.  You know the kind.  I'm not one of those but this is my blog and I'm gonna brag.  Where do I start with Jay?  When I was pregnant with Jay he was in constant motion.  He was no cookie to deliver either.  But I digress.  During infancy and toddlerhood, he challenged me, constantly.  I would draw a line in the sand, he would cross it.  It was still tough in elementary school but every year, he would mature and seemed maybe a little less challenging, just a little.  He hit middle school and he's been a dream.  Sure, he still keeps me up at night but that's to be expected, right?  However, I doubt I'll ever forget his 8th grade year.  His 8th grade year was met with family challenges and Jay rose to the occasion.  What he's demonstrated to his dad and I is nothing short of the love of Jesus.  He's been articulate, unselfish and understanding and even shows us his dry sense of humor every now and then, when his dad and I need a good laugh.  In addition, he's made the honor roll twice this year (and it's only January).  About 8 weeks ago I saw him going through a box that holds all of the boys' old sport shoes.  Jay dragged out a nicely used pair of his basketball shoes he wore about 2 years ago.  When I asked him what he was doing he told me he was giving them to a kid on his basketball team who did not have a pair of practice shoes to wear at basketball.
 On Jay's actual birthday we had a family dinner and Reece came over.  Jay picked ribeye sandwiches as his meal.  We lit a fire and enjoyed the celebration. Love the picture below of my mom with Jay, Reece and Lauren.

 The birthday celebration continued the next night when the Ausili's came out.  Faith and Curt brought friends out.  The more the merrier.  I will someday miss the all the activity that our kids provide us with.  Those kiddos are a good bunch of kids!
And my final birthday picture.  How can you even take these boys seriously?  LOL.  Happy Birthday, Jay!!  Your dad and I continue to be amazed by you and extraordinarily blessed by being your parents.

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