Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year

It's 2016!!!  The Christmas tree is down, the presents are somewhat put away and it is officially time for the boys to go back to school!  Creativity is not one of my strong points but I did attempt to jazz up my blog.  It's a work in progress so stay tuned.  My goal and focus for my blog this year is centered around faith based stories.  It is my prayer stories will be shared with me which I will be able to share on my blog.  I have a few of my own faith based stories which I will also share.  The blog will still be filled with my crazy, never dull boy stories!  Please email me ( with any thoughts you may have about my blog or any story you want shared.  It is my hope my blog will bring glory to God, be a source of inspiration to others and of course provide a lot of laughs along the way.  I renamed my blog, "Love, Laughter, Joy and Everything In Between."  I'm over 40 and to me this title sums up my life.  Life has given me love, laughter and joy but I've had experience with the in between which isn't always so great.  I read an article the other day that really hit home with me.  The article pointed out that life, in general, is hard.  During hard times I get frustrated, really frustrated and I often look up to God, wondering why I've been dealt the hand I've been given but through the hard times He opens my eyes to what He's trying to teach me and slowly I get it or at least I try to.  The season of my life I'm living right now is challenging but through the challenge I've grown closer to God, my marriage has been strengthened, my boys are being transformed and I'm starting to learn what needs are over wants and turns out there is a difference.  Who knew?  I wish you a happy, laughter filled 2016.  There will be some "bumps" on the journey but those "bumps" are what grow and transform us. 

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