Saturday, March 5, 2016

God Showed Up

Although Mike and I were living in reality that he had lost his job, we spent the remaining month of November in a fog.  I remember my well intentioned sister setting up handy man jobs for Mike and my uncle wanting Mike to make him a wood display case for his cards but Mike declined all offers.   We were so appreciative of the offers but we had no idea what to do or what God wanted us to do but we knew God had given us time.  During times of despair, God shows up.  It amazes me how He uses His people as vessels.  During this entire process I kept a journal of dates and events.  God wanted to teach Mike and I humility.  You'll see why when you read what His messengers did in order to feed our souls and give us some breathing room financially.   

Nov. 14 - Jenny bought POSH products from me and over paid me, big time.  I was able to use this money to finish buying Christmas money for the boys.
Nov. 16 - My sister gave us gift cards.  This provided for us on nights when the boys had basketball games and we needed to stop somewhere to eat dinner.
Nov. 24 - My mom paid for my hair cut and high light.  Enough said about that.  Any woman will understand how essential this is.  My mom also gave Mike and I some peace of mind with a financial gift.  She remembered that during her divorce her dad had given her $500 as a just in case security.  It meant a lot to her then and it meant a lot to Mike and I now. 
Nov. 29 - My brother in law, Craig, gave up his Sunday afternoon and helped Mike craft his resume. 
Dec. 13 - Ausili's take us out to dinner.  Such a nice gift during the month of December.
Dec. 16 - We received the distressing news that with our new insurance our boys' medication would cost us $278/month(We were paying $50/month).  This was a day that I needed other people to carry us in prayer as I had nothing to give or feel.  But that night, Jenny, brightened my day and brought me vodka.  Hey, sometimes a girl just needs her vodka. 
Dec. 17 - My dear friend, Laura, spent 1 1/2 hours on a work night helping us tweak Mike's resume and cover letter.  She rocked it.  I remember sitting with her and thinking my dear friend could rule the world! 
Dec. 20 - Our oven broke. 
Dec. 22 - My dad provided financially for the loss of the oven and he did not know the oven had broken.  
Dec. 23 - Our friends, Erin and Neal, invite us over for dinner.  Just the gift of being invited to dinner and sharing good company was enough.  But my friend, Erin, is classy.  Through the years I've had a subscription to People magazine (my guilty pleasure). I had mentioned to Erin that my subscription didn't make the budget (ha).  So what did Erin do, she renewed my subscription and put the subscription announcement in my Christmas card.  I have loved getting that magazine on Friday afternoons.
Dec. 22- Laura comments how happy Mike looks and how at ease Jay is.  Mike and I notice very positive changes in Jay.  This makes my heart sing.
Dec. 24 - Received a $200 check anonymously.  This was such a gift. 
Jan. 6 - Erin's dad, Terry, asked Mike to work with him at his farm.  Mike needed this day and although Mike was a huge help to Terry, for Mike, he needed to do physical work.  Truly a gift. 
Jan. 20 - Our termite guy sprayed our house for free.
Jan. 22 - Received a $100 Visa card anonymously - seriously blown away by this.  Again, this provided for us during a very busy basketball season. 

As I'm writing this I am reminded of the kindness of people and feelings of being humble.  Many times Mike and I tried to decline offers of kindness but when it comes down to it, people want to help during challenging times and they should be allowed to do so.  Mike and I would humbly and gracefully accept, despite it being a little uncomfortable for us.  I just have to shake my head because I didn't even finish writing about everything.  Small odd jobs were provided to Mike during January and February from our neighbors, the Ausili's, a teacher friend of Kim's and the list goes on and on.  My dear friend, Mary, would send me inspiring emails on days when I needed them.  My friend, Karen, wrote beautiful prayers for me.  My friend, Sarah, has lived on one income for years and she was a wealth of information on money saving tips.  One very important event that happened six weeks before Mike's job loss was we refinanced the house.  It was all part of God's perfect timing.    We have tried to refinance our house three times over ten years.  Every time we failed because our house wasn't done, too much of a risk the bank told us.  Finally, we switched banks and wa-la, we got refinanced which lowered our payment by $350/month.  Again, this is another blog I feel that I haven't done justice to.  God was preparing us for this before it happened and during the hard months that followed.  Mike and I continue to have a very steep mountain to climb but more to come on that later.  Once again, God showed up, to help lead us on the climb. 

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