Monday, March 28, 2016

Spring Break and Easter

 How can it be the end of March already?  As usual, time is flying by but life is good.  The boys just wrapped up their spring break.  Don't let the picture above deceive you.  Nick and his friend, Sid, went to our beach in our subdivision over the weekend and just made it look like they were some where warm and fun.  Ha.  The boys didn't do much.  They worked one afternoon for their nana.  Nick spent the night and saw a movie with nana one night.  Jay did a whole lot of nothing which is I guess was okay because the months leading up to March are always so busy for us. 
 Easter Sunday, the Ausili's came out and so did my mom.  It was such a nice Easter to celebrate our Lord and Savior! 
 How can these kids look this old?  Faith got a car just this week.  Crazy! 
 I took this picture a few weeks ago.  Jay was ready to go out on his kayak.  Personally, I think it's a wee bit early to be out on the water in kayaks but Jay and Nick totally disagree with me. 
And I just loved this for Easter.  The other day I heard some one talking about how Christ can take any situation or circumstance that seems horrible and turn it into good.  The cross was used as an example.  Before Jesus was crucified the cross was a sign of absolute evil and we all know how the cross is viewed now!  That really hit home with me.  Praise be to God! 

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