Sunday, June 12, 2016

Our summer, so far

 I love summer.  We don't adhere to a set schedule.  We get lots of time in the sun and we play, boy do we play!  The picture above is of Nick and N. and N's cousin.  These three is all I can say.
 This week Nick was asked to go with N. to his grandparents farm.  Nick loves the farm.  When I asked him if he wanted to go, the picture above is the reaction I got from Nick. 
 Ausili came out on Saturday morning and Sieb and Aus worked on Faith's car.  Love their bond. 
 And what can I possibly say about these four?  They have been friends for 12 years and they are sandwiched in between each other.  We spend so much time at Laura's pool in the summer. 
The boys have spent countless and I mean countless hours on the water this summer.  They are catching fish like crazy!!

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