Sunday, July 9, 2017

Another fun July weekend

 My dear friend, Karen Page (now Karen Nance) got married in June, and yesterday my former boss, Jill and friend, Karen Neal threw a simple but lovely bridal brunch for her.  Leaving my former employer six years ago was one of the best decisions I ever made, but these women sure have my heart.  I worked with all of them day in and day out for 16 years.  I am so glad we've all stayed in contact and remained close friends.  And I am so happy for Karen! 
                                                       Jean, me and Karen!
 Saturday we headed to Uncle Mike's.  What a farm he has!  It's so much fun.  The kids loved it and it was like Mike had ordered the weather, it was perfect.
 Just to prove that I do go to these events.  I didn't think this picture was half bad of us, even though Mike is impossible to get a picture of!  Grrrrr........
 The boys spent a lot of time on the gator!  Truly though the evening was so nice and relaxing and the firework show was amazing! 
As dusk set in the cross on the silo lit up and I instantly thought of my grandparents.  My Uncle said that cross has lit up everyday for the past 20 years.  As drivers drive past his farm, they see the cross.  My Aunt Kathy said she will try to describe to people where her farm is located, but in the end she just says it's the farm with the lit up cross and then people know exactly where her farm is!  It's a true testament to our family and the fact that Christ cements our family together.  We are certainly less than perfect, but my mom, my grandparents, their parents, and the list goes on and on, all loved Christ.  I am truly enjoying every part of what summer has to offer this year.  Mike is crazy busy, and I think it's fair to say that for the time being, this business is exactly what he needs to be involved in.  I'm over most of the anxiety I initially felt when he began this adventure.  The boys are always challenging in the summer.  They fight A LOT, watch too much trash TV and by mid-July they are complaining they are bored.  It's not mid-July yet so the complaining is still at a minimum (ha), but overall all things considered this summer has gone relatively smoothly, so far.  Nick has had just enough activities to keep him busy and Jay has worked with Mike on and off, and tomorrow he starts detasseling.  I'm sure I'll be devoting an entire blog to that. 

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