Sunday, January 21, 2018

We have a driver

Jay drove Nick to school on Jan. 17.  I couldn't believe it.  I was in my office, working, at 7:45 a.m.  Every morning at 7:45 for years I was always en route to or from school.  I was happily sipping my coffee when I get the text from above from Nick.  He forgot his lunch, could I bring it to him later?  Seriously!  My first day of not having to drive to school, really!  I give my boys one "free pass" per school year and I knew Nick's routine was thrown off that morning I so did deliver his lunch to him.  I just had to laugh about it.  It's so typical.  

 And here's the driver on his birthday.  Jay wanted to go to Roanoke to get his license.  He insisted it would be faster than driving into Bloomington.  He may have been right, but all I knew was it took 40 minutes one way to get to Roanoke driving on snowy, country roads.  And the state workers in Roanoke were just as cranky as the state workers in Bloomington.  However, the mission did get accomplished.
I didn't include a picture of Jay's truck cake in my other post.  I was really pleased with how it turned out.  It took me all of 2 seconds to get use to Jay driving.  Of course I have worry, but technology has helped some of that worry with apps that track your children.  Hee, Hee.  And the rest of my worry I'm giving to God.

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