Tuesday, August 21, 2018


 As I sat down to write I wasn't exactly sure what to write, except that in one weeks time my mom's recovery is nothing short of miraculous!  When I blogged last Tuesday, although mom was improving, I still wasn't sure how her living independently or her recovery in general was going to play out.  On Wednesday, Aug. 16, she took a 180 degree turn in her recovery.  It seemed like it literally happened over night.  Her walking/balance improved 100%.  Her speech, although it was improving everyday, got 100% better.  She started taking her blood sugar unassisted.  She started showering without any assistance.  I couldn't believe it, except I could because of the God I serve.  Here's the part that I'm having trouble with though, I doubted.  It wasn't that I doubted He could heal my mom.  I just didn't know if that was part of His plan and if we were facing the same outcome that my dad endured.  My Aunt Karen told me when this first happened, during one of my moments of doubt and desperation, that she didn't think the Lord would have lead us this far if there wasn't good at the end of it.  Full disclosure, on the night of my mom's stroke, when things really took a nose dive, as I drove home in the dark of night from the hospital I screamed at God.  I am ashamed and I've asked for His forgiveness, which I know I've received.  I know He's already forgotten it, but I haven't.  I know with every fiber of my being that God can take terrible situations and turn them into something good.  Even my dad's 22 year disability and death has been turned into something beautiful in the way the three of us have felt his presence and how he provided for my sister so she could take a leave of absence to help care for mom this year and get some much needed rest that she desperately needs.
 My mom and sister had a trip planned to NY in October.  Up until last week Kim has felt she needed to cancel the trip and I agreed with her.  We both felt that she and mom should take the trip in April.  She delayed cancelling the trip, however, because she knew they were going to lose money on it and it was going to be a huge pain to cancel.  Well just this week Kim and mom have decided to take the trip with the blessing of mom's physical therapist, Bava.  Bava said mom will be ready to go by October and she will need her cane and wheelchair in the airport and maybe other places but there is no reason why mom can't go.  I am beyond thrilled.  God is good.....all the time!  The picture above is mom and her physical therapist in rehab at the hospital, Karrie.  We loved Karrie!
 I don't know what the three of us would have done without Leslie.  She was our rock.  She gave me advice when my mom couldn't.  I just love her.
                                   My mom's speech therapist at Rehab, Amber.
                                             Mom and Bava!  Bava kicks moms butt in rehab.
 Working hard in OT.  My mom's right arm has some movement.  Her arm is a source of great frustration for her, but we truly believe that in time her arm will come back.
 Mom is settling back into her normal routines, spending time with the grands.  We were given a surgical brush and at night when we watch TV with mom, we rub her arm with the brush to help stimulate the brain.
 My Aunt Karen came to visit a few weeks ago.  We've been blown away by the people who have visited and brought food.  We are humbled and thankful.
Mom, what a blessing you are!  We went from thinking you would have such damage from your stroke that you would never be the same, that my relationship with you would forever be changed, but God, who is so much bigger than us, had other plans.  You are a fighter and I'm incredibly proud to be your daughter.


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