Tuesday, August 21, 2018

First day of school

 Last week, Aug. 16, was the first day of school for my boys.  Jay is a Junior (although I don't like to write that, let alone say it, it just makes it more true) and Nick is in 7th grade.  How is any of this possible?  But possible it is.  Reality has hit, my boys are growing.  Nick had a complete transformation this summer in his looks.  Everyone noticed it.  He spent so much time on the lake fishing he is super tan and his hair is pure blond, which makes his blue eyes sparkle like the ocean (spoken as only a mother can).  Jay continues to grow like the Jolly Green Giant.  He is taking a course at the Bloomington Area Career Center this semester.  Each afternoon, right after lunch, he will take a bus from his school into Bloomington where he's taking a hands on automotive class.  I truly believe he will enjoy it, learn from it and I think it will make his school day go super fast!  I am beyond proud of  both my boys!
 This year was the first year I didn't drive my boys to school on their first day.  I did say the same prayer over them that I've said since they were both in kindergarten, in the driveway.  There was some eye rolling going on but it made this mom feel better.

Our customary picture of Nick, Noah and Lilly.  Noah is going into 5th grade and Lilly into 3rd grade.  Next year Nick and Noah will reunited at the middle school!  Wow, does time fly by.

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