Friday, October 30, 2020

The turtles

This summer Nick decided to get a fish tank.  He filled it with fish and turtles from our lake.  I would have never thought our family would be so entertained by four turtles but this is a season of Covid when movie theatres are shut down, restaurants are starting to close again (thanks to our "wonderful" governor but I digress) and sports are still not being played so we have resorted to full blown entertainment from a bunch of turtles.  When Nick announced he was naming his big bass Anthony Weiner and one of his turtles Jeffrey Epstein I realized my 14 year old was naming his creatures after sexual predators.  I shrugged it off, after all it has been a good source of entertainment as we've watched Anthony Weiner get bigger and bigger.  Last night Nick took Weiner out of the tank to examine his mouth.  His concern was whether or not Weiner's mouth was big enough to eat Jeffrey Epstein!  I can't make this stuff up.  Turns out Anthony Weiner's mouth is getting bigger but not quite big enough (yet) to swallow Jeffrey Epstein.  If it weren't for Covid we might not have had such entertainment from turtles named after such notorious felons. 
The picture is of the deck Nick made so Jeffrey Epstein, Cleopatra, King Tut and Gilford could sun themselves!  That Nick....he's always thinking. 

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