Wednesday, June 16, 2021

My weight loss journey continues

 As of today I have lost 17 lbs.  Four more pounds and I will reach my goal.  I'm bound and determined since Hawaii is right within my sight.  I started this journey March 7.  Three months later I can tell you what is working for me and what is not working for me and whether or not I'll be able to sustain long term some of the new habits I've formed.  There have been stretches when I didn't lose a pound.  In fact I went from May to June and lost nothing.  I'm still intermittent fasting some but since I want to keep the weight off and sustain long term, I don't want to I.F. the rest of my life so I've relaxed some what in that regard. One of my favorite food network personalities, Ree Drummond, recently lost 43 lbs.  She wrote an excellent blog post about her journey this week.  I did much of the same thing she did except for one big thing.  She gave up alcohol for four months!  Four months I tell you!  I gasped.  That is one thing I haven't given up.  While I try not to drink every night, I still have my sparkling water and vodka.  I got a new activity watch for my 10 year anniversary at work - A Garmin Venu.  I love it.  It tracks everything and I've really enjoyed learning more about my activity and tracking what I eat through each day.  I still eat a huge salad almost everyday at lunch with my favorite Bai drink (coconut or orange flavored).  The salad is the bulk of my calories for the day (575-600 calories) but it keeps me full until about 5 or 5:30 when I have a protein smoothie.  I'm starting each day with a 30-40 minute walk and I also strength train.  I still use You Tube to educate myself on all things eating and working out.  And I still take my apple cider vinegar gummies religiously.  All in all I feel so much better, physically and mentally.  Who knows I may keep going even after I reach my goal weight but for now my focus is on my last 4 lbs. Wish me luck! 

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