Monday, September 27, 2021

30 days

This is me: imperfect, unworthy, broken.  I continue to be a work in progress.  At 47 I had hoped I would have more figured out about life but I don't......not even close.  I live by my favorite bible verse, Philippians 3:14, "So I run straight toward the goal in order to win the prize which is God's call through Christ Jesus to the life above."  I've learned life is no sprint but a long winded marathon.  During my life run I've fallen many times, too many times to count, but because of Jesus I get up, dust myself off and keeping running towards the goal.    

On Sept. 24 I decided to give up alcohol for 30 days.   At the time I made that decision to cleanse my physical body but then yesterday (Sept. 26) I had an ah-ha moment that changed my entire thought process and goal(s).  I want to clear out all the distractions that get in the way of my relationship with God and His plan for my life - my purpose.  My pastor has been preaching about living "On Purpose."  The sermon he preached yesterday really spoke to me and then I got together with my sister and dear friend, Mary, who once again filled my cup.  Mary planted another seed and encouraged me to also give up social media and TV for 30 days.  I think I might have gasped when she mentioned it but then I really got to thinking about it.  If I'm completely honest alcohol, social media and TV (in no particular order) are three of my biggest distractions.  I figure I might as well rip the band aide off, painful as it may be and conquer all three at once.  In these next 30 days I really want to hear and see what the Holy Spirit wants me to do and how I can better serve God.  Giving up my three vices for 30 days won't be easy but I believe that at the end of this quest I will find it was so worth it.   

Come along side me as I go through these next 30 days.  

1 comment: said...

You've got this, Amy, and God's got YOU! Praying for your 30 day journey. Can't wait to see how the Lord works in your life as your clear out the "distractions" and make room for his Holy Presence. Love you, my friend!