Thursday, December 23, 2021

A Christmas Memory

 My good friend, Laura, sent me this picture early this morning.  If I were to guess, based on the sizes of my boys I'm guessing Jay was 14 (freshman) and Nick was 10 (5th grade).  Dad passed away in 2018 and we did not do socks for seniors in 2017, his last Christmas here on earth.  I'll go out on a limb and guess this was 2016.  What a group we had that night.  I could have never imagined that when this picture was taken my dad would be gone in less than 2 years and that Covid would literally decimate group gatherings.  Having a group this size together in a nursing home would NEVER happen today.  I also didn't know my mom would suffer a devastating stroke 4 months after my dads passing.  It's been a hard few years.  The times we currently live in are unsettling and the divineness Covid has caused among families and friends is depressing.  I'm certain Satan loves the havoc, the shaming and the fear that has crippled so many Americans.  I'm reminded on this day, Dec. 23, christmas eve eve, to never take any moment for granted.  I remember loving being surrounded by this group back in 2016, laughing and bringing joy to the residents of my dads nursing home.  In all the darkness that has encompassed 2020 and parts of 2021 there are rays of light.  I choose to focus on that light, giving thanks for what the Lord has blessed me with, praying and hoping there are better times ahead because even though it feels like Satan is winning right now, I know in the end he will be the one that is crippled, stomped out and gone forever.  Thank you, Jesus, for your birth on a cold winter night in the middle of nowhere.  Thank you for being the light of the world in a fallen imperfect universe that continues to be in desperate need of a savior.  Where would I be in this earthly life without you?  I shudder to think.  Thank you for the hope you brought that night and continue to bring.  

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