Thursday, February 10, 2022

Jay's "Charlie Brown Tree"

 While I realize it's February so why am I posting this pitiful looking xmas tree?  In early December I decided to bring Jay his own little tree for his bedroom (since he wasn't living with us).  I was hoping it was something that could bring him some joy during the Christmas season.  I decorated it with some of my favorite ornaments of his and bought some cheap lights.  I didn't tell him I was bringing to him.  He politely thanked me.  Weeks later he mentioned he was annoyed because one of his buddies fell on it and did some other inappropriate things to it (which I won't mention in the blog).  I teased Jay, saying I was surprised that little tree meant so much to him.  Weeks after Christmas he moved home and the tree came with him where it currently sits in his room.  What's my point in writing this?  Sometimes it's hard to know how to connect and relate to your adult children.  I'm discovering it's the little things that probably mean the most - things where little words are spoken but the acts are big.  

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