Monday, May 16, 2022

How is Jay doing?

I don't blog about Jay much anymore because he's an adult.  I try to respect that truth, but he does still live at home which gives me a little something to write about.  Ha!  He moved back home in January.  As a family we picked up right where we left off.  He absolutely made the right decision in moving home.  Inflation is soaring and gas prices are through the roof.  I joke with Jay that living at home probably isn't all it's cracked up to be but he's a good sport and says he doesn't mind, and I believe him.  Me, Mike and Jay have an understanding, we don't have rules per say.  All we ask is that Jay use common sense and be respectful of our home and thus far he has been.  That's not to say there hasn't been some challenges along the way, but we've dealt with them and in true Jay form he corrects whatever the issue was/is.  He continues to work for the same employer and our hope is he'll get into the apprenticeship program in 2023.  The economy and where its headed makes me nervous but I simply have to trust in God's plan for Jay.  He and Gabby are still dating, and next weekend Jay will attend her H.S. graduation.  They seem very happy and content together.  


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