Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Last Day of High School

The day has finally arrived! It's true that nobody is happier than Nick but I'm a very close second.  There are no tears being shed today from this momma.  Nick's junior and senior years haven't been easy, mostly because Nick didn't want to be there.  He had "more important" things to do like working and fishing.  All this kid has wanted to do is work, fish, eat (a little), sleep, repeat.  I'm pretty sure that teachers either loved him or hated him.  There was probably no in between.  Where Jay was compliant, Nick was a nuisance.  He was respectful but questioned authority at every turn.  When he left school today he apologized to his teachers and the office staff.  To the teacher who told Nick he'd never get far in life or make anything of himself, I say watch him.  Just watch what this kid does in these next few years.  Now go get 'em, Nick.  

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