Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Reflections on turning 50

 I've been 50 for four days now.  I don't feel any different.  It's just an age, after all.  But in these 50 years of life I have learned a thing or two.  I know I don't do life perfectly.  I mess things up and will continue to stumble this side of heaven.  The blessing as a Christ follower is I rely on Jesus to get me through everything and I do mean everything.  I can pretty much do nothing on my own.  Another blessing is in knowing that however long I'm on this earth I will continue to grow and mature in my faith.  I'll never be done chasing after Jesus.  I won't think, "Gee, I know all there is to know about Jesus."  Won't ever happen.  These are just a few things I know with absolute certainity in a very uncertain world with a  culture that is decaying every minute, riddled in deception and moral insanity.  The older I get the simpler I become.  All I really want is to spend time with my family, my friends and my God.  Sure I want to travel more, reconnect with Mike now that the boys are raised, spend meaningful time with my adult sons as they hopefully expand our family with wives and grandchildren one day but in the end my greatest hearts desire is that I love everyone around me well and that God is pleased with me.   

As Charlie Chaplin once wrote, "We are all tourists, God is our travel agent who already made our itineraries, bookings and destinations.  Trust Him and enjoy life.  Life is a journey, live today." 

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