Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Nick's Grad Party

We hosted Nick's grad party on Memorial Day and what a day it was.  This party will forever go down as one of the most perfect days.  It was wonderful from start to finish.  The weather was beautiful.  The food we had was delicious but most important it was pure joy to be surrounded by such good friends and family all day.  My mom was able to come (see pic below) and she was thrilled to see everyone.  Jay and Trystan were here all day with their sweet dogs.  Mike's dad came and spent the day with us too.  I could not have pulled this party off in any way shape or form without my sister and Mike.  Kim designed the table above and made Nick's picture video.  My amazing niece made all of Nick's cake balls which everyone loved.  

My uncle's and cousins came from Sterling, Rockford and Springfield.  I was blessed by them making the long trip.  We got a picture of the cousins. 
Kim also came up with the idea to do a cut out picture of Nick.  It was a huge hit!  
                      Can this picture be any cuter?  Jensen and Nick just hanging out.  

 We ended the night with Trystan giving Craig and Nick hair cuts.  It is true that I'm tired this morning and Mike and I still have some work to do as far as clean up goes but my heart is so full.  Spending time with family is truly one of God's greatest blessings.  

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