Monday, June 3, 2024


A few weeks ago during my prayer time I was petting Copper when I noticed a huge hard mass in her neck area.  In that moment I knew she had cancer but I pushed it aside.  At that time she was eating and acting fine.  I got through Nick's graduation ceremony and over memorial day weekend (before his party) I was getting more concerned.  By Memorial Day weekend Copper was barely eating and had lost weight.  I had my dear friend and vet come over and as she felt Copper's neck I could see the alarm on her face.  She took samples from Copper and the day after Nick's party we had a confirmed diagnosis of cancer.  I knew it in my heart but it was still hard to hear.  Through the week my vet, Jami, helped me navigate decisions that I needed to make but kept putting off.  By Friday, May 31, I knew she was suffering.  She was refusing treats, losing her hair and was as skinny as I've ever seen her.  With tears in our eyes me, Mike and Jay took Copper to Jami's office where we helped Copper cross over rainbow bridge.  
Originally Copper was Jay's dog.  However, Mike soon became her favorite person in the house (big surprise).  We got Copper 12 years ago, after I started working from home.  She was the one who showed us what a wonderful breed the vizsla is.  She had a sweet, patience and calm temperament and was the runt of her litter.  Her and Cole were sidekicks and now that she's gone I know Cole misses her.  As for Walker he will miss chewing on her ears (another example of her patient and calm demeanor) until they looked like a wet dish rag.  Ha.  
This isn't a great picture of Copper but this is her laying under my desk one day before she passed.  She didn't come to my office often.  When she did she loved laying on the cool floor (especially in the summer).  She woud sprawl out and groan and lay peacefully until I had to exit my office.  In true vizsla fashion she always wanted to be with her people.  She was the best dog and will be missed.  

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