Sunday, June 23, 2024

Florida 2024

Jay, Trystan and I just got back from Florida.  Mike and Nick opted not to go this year.  It was a wonderful week filled with lots of family time and laughter.  It was such a joy for me to spend this week with Jay and Trystan.  They are such a sweet couple who truly bring out the very best in one another.  Jay is the best version of himself when he's with her.  I am so thankful to God for answered prayers and not only that but He gave me so much more than I even asked or prayed for.  I love how God does that.  I'm so undeserving, I mess up and yet He blesses me.  My relationship with Trystan is easy and natural, exactly what I imagined and so much more.  Thank you, Jesus.  
On Monday we all went to Ohana (Kim's family too).  it was a good meal and a fun experience. 
Almost everyday we were at the pool.  Here is Jay and Trystan playing a game that Jayde and Lauren were a part of.  I love being surrounded by family on vacation.  We all do our own thing and never feel any pressure to do anything.  Most days at some point we all ended up at the pool.  
  Aunt Karen and I.  I love this woman.  She is the cats meow as far as I'm concerned.  
Trystan and I - my answer to many years of prayer.  Thank you, Jesus, for this new treasure.  
Vacation is not vacation without my sister.  Sadly this year she broke her foot mid week (hence the scooter in the side of this picture) but she still managed to get around and have a good time.  I really enjoyed Craig this vacation too.  He was relaxed and had coffee with me every morning on my patio - usually in his speedo but that's another blog.  It provided good entertainment.  

By the grace of God mom got through the week but it wasn't easy.  There were many calls, many frustrations from mom which had a domino effect on Kim and I.  I tried to push her problems out of my mind (for my own mental health) but there were several nights I woke up in the middle of the night, worried.  Mom's warrior daughters are back and she is beyond relieved.  Kim and I have a care meeting scheduled for this week and we hope to get things back into alignment for mom and her needs.  

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