Monday, November 10, 2014

Conversations with Nick

I live with two right wing conservatives, Mike and Nick.  Jay is also a conservative but he's not as verbal about it.  Nick on the other hand will tell anyone who will listen.  Last week Nick tagged along with me to my book club meeting.  In November my book club sits down and plans our books for the upcoming year.  We each contribute to what books we do or don't read in the following year.  The beauty of a book club is you get exposed to books that perhaps otherwise you wouldn't have read.  I've certainly found this to be true in my case.  I appreciate all the different personalities and views within my book club.  Just as Nick and I were leaving for book club, he asked me, "Mom, why don't you pick a book about God to read."  I explained to Nick that in our book club we have two rules, no books about politics or religion.  I went on to tell Nick we stay away from those two subjects because people have different views.  Nick looked puzzled by this.  Mostly I think he was a bit appalled that possibly some people could have a different view on the world, especially when it comes to God (that boy loves God and Jesus).  He thought about it some more and then asked, "Mom, do you have a bunch of libs in your book club?"  I laughed out loud. Some day that boy may either be a politician or a pastor - the possibilities are endless! 

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