Thursday, February 5, 2015

Feeding Frenzy

When I was growing up I lived down the street from three boys, all of whom were big football boys.  My mom was always in awe of how much food their mother kept in the house and how much food the boys (and all their football friends) consumed.  I've learned as a mother of growing boys that their quirks are sometimes hard to wrap my head around, like how they will sit in the tub for 20 minutes and never use soap, but what is most challenging to me is figuring out how to keep them full, an almost impossible task.  I struggle the most with this after school and into the evening.  They both have huge appetites, especially Nick (like mother, like son).  When Nick gets home from school he acts like he's been on a  mission trip working in a 3rd world country for weeks, living on granola bars (Yes, Jenny Ausili, that one was for your pleasure, ha).  We do the same song and dance every day.  We get home and I frantically search the kitchen (one would think I would be organized but I'm not) for a snack.  Like a wild dog I will throw some deli meat at him to keep him at bay while I attempt to turn myself into Pioneer Woman (where is she when I need her anyway?).  While I admit it is sometimes easier to scoop some ice cream out into a bowl, that usually doesn't help the situation with a boy who has ADHD and by 3:00 his meds are wearing off.  You get the picture.  So, I try to stay away from the sweets.  I stick to snacks like apples, smoothies, cheese and crackers - none of which makes Jay or Nick particularly happy.  They would rather dive into a huge slice of cake but then who wouldn't?  Jay is also challenging but in a different way.  He doesn't ask me to feed him, he's sly.  He'll sneak into the kitchen when I'm not looking and shove chips into his mouth.  He thinks he's getting away with something but nothing Jay does is discreet.  I find bags of chips half open.  I find wrappers stuffed in the couch and when he does have ice cream he'll add chocolate chips to his ice cream and again I find the bag half open and chocolate chips on the pantry floor.  Sigh.  Jay, the food thief, thinks he's getting away with something but he never is.  Recently, after school and before  practice he would use his prepaid cafeteria account and buy sweets before practice.  He wasn't aware I was checking his account everyday which demonstrated his love of an assortment of Dolly Madison cakes.  He's now using his account and buying a peanut butter and jelly sandwich after school (perfectly acceptable).  As a mom I get tired of all the meal planning and preparing.  I have to continually remind myself it's my job and while it's rarely a fun job, it does keep me on my toes.    One day my boys will be gone (God willing) from my home and all I'll have is Mike and trust me, he's no picnic to cook for either.  Maybe this is God's way of keeping me "uncomfortable" because certainly meal planning and preparation are not my strongest attributes. 

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