Sunday, February 8, 2015

The conclusion of basketball

 This week both my boys wrapped up their basketball season.  Jay had his basketball banquet and is riding the bus home after school (the first time this year).  This last week has certainly been more relaxing for him.  This week he takes the hunter safety course and he's got a math test so the week will still be anything but boring for him.  Ha.  Since Jay had his basketball banquet on the same night that we had ISU ball tickets, Nick took his friend, N. (hence the picture above).  The picture of the two of them just makes me smile.  They are so silly but in a good way.  The two of them continue to be really good friends which warms my heart. 
 Nick played in a tournament yesterday and the team got 3rd place.  I loved watching their faces when they realized they got 3rd place and won a trophy for it.  But what a season.  I have to toot my husband's horn.  Once again he stepped into a role and gave it 100% and boy did he shine in my eyes.  I saw my husband giving the boys high fives, talking and coaching them when they would come back to the bench from playing.  I often heard him asking the boys how their day was!  And for Nick, it was wonderful.  Nick really needed this experience and it made it more special because his dad was there with him every step.  Nick still claims he's not so crazy about basketball.  Football is his true love but as we said to him, he's still playing next year simply because he needs an outlet.  It was good for him to play. 

And this was the best picture I could get of the assistant coach and his player - seriously!  When I realized how bad this picture was, Nick was already gone.  Sigh.....

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