Sunday, February 22, 2015

Nick's circuit board

My mom bought Nick a circuit board for Christmas and it was a hit.  A few weeks ago she went shopping with him and Nick said he wanted an even bigger circuit board so Nana bought it for him for his birthday.  But being the genius my mom is, she gave Nick his birthday present early. The weather here is still freezing and since Nick is done playing basketball, he needed something to occupy his time.  Nick has Mike's brain.  He's always trying to come up with new ideas and a different way to doing things so the circuit board is perfect for him.  On Saturday he woke up and was thrilled with himself that he made a radio!  He turned it on and we were listening to the weather report.  Then he insisted I take a picture of him with his circuit board (hence the picture above) so I could send it to his teacher.  I thought that was so cute!  Third graders are so cute.  They are still young enough to think it's cool to send pictures to their teacher but yet they are also independent and aren't nearly as sassy as 5th graders. 
As I go into this week I am anxious for the weather to warm up a bit but there is no end in sight.  I really shouldn't complain because this winter has not been bad.  Last winter was bad!  I have joined weight watchers......again!  Jenny and I have joined together.....again!  Sigh. 

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