Monday, April 20, 2015

Birthdays & Brothers

As we approach Nick's 9th birthday, Nick has elected for a kid birthday party.  I've told Nick he has three more kid birthday parties up until 13.  He's decided he wants one this year.  I try to think through kid birthday parties so they are successful.  Nick wants kids over to our house to play and cook out.  I was fine with this but it did occur to me that perhaps it would be best if Jay wasn't here.  It's of no reflection of Jay, only that he's 13 and 9 year old boys tend to think an athletic and fun 13 year old is way cooler than their 9 year old friend.  It's nothing Jay does, it's just human nature.  I've noticed that when Nick's friends come over, they tend to get very interested in Jay and what he's doing.  Again, it's of no reflection of Nick or his friends, it's just cool for a 9 year old to hang out with the 13 year old, especially the boys who don't have an older brother.  When I mentioned this to Nick, that I had every intention of finding other plans for Jay that day he didn't miss a beat and replied, "It's not a birthday party without my brother."  I was honest with Nick with my reasoning on why I thought it was best if his older brother wasn't present for his friend birthday party but Nick wouldn't budge.  He insisted it's not a party without his brother.  My heart melted.  I think we older siblings don't always have a true grasp or appreciation of the devoted love shown to us from our younger siblings.  When I related this story to my sister, she stopped me before I could conclude the story to tell me her reaction, that she never would have agreed to a kid party without her sister there.  Now that is one meaningful birthday gift. 

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