Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I will miss

The weather is finally getting nice and Nick has been beyond anxious to go fishing.  Mike keeps telling him that although the air is warm, the water is not.  However, this Sunday Jay finally relented and took Nick fishing.  As the boys jumped on their dad's tail gate with their fishing poles in hand and buckets at their side I watched them from the kitchen window, thinking that one day I will miss this scene; dirty boys in warm weather going fishing.  I might even miss them coming home with their catch and filleting it (maybe).  I will miss the daily sound of Jay's four wheeler.  I will miss the sound of hammering coming from Jay and Nick's forts.  I might even miss their muddy clothes - nah!  My boys are getting older and it is true that time flies, especially when you're having fun.  This time of year we start to slow down from our whirlwind school year, full of activities.  I am once again thankful for another successful year, one filled with good grades, active boys and the conclusion of a very long winter into spring.  Spring is the season of our life where we can all breath again and enjoy each other around the dinner table, all things I'm sure this momma will miss greatly, once these seasons pass. 

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