Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Can you get an ant in a net?

Nick was working on a homework sheet today that asked him questions and he had to answer Yes or No.  Mike was present for this line of questioning and I was witness to it.  Here's how the conversation between father and son went:
Nick: "Dad, can you get an ant in a net?"
Dad: "What kind of ant?  Is it an ant or aunt?"
Nick" An ant as in a bug."
Dad: "What kind of net is it?  Does it have big holes or small holes?  An aquarium net could most certainly hold an ant?" 
It was at this point I had to remind Mike that this was 3rd grade homework.  It doesn't have to be analyzed to the ninth degree.  Mike was quick to point out that if one had an ounce of intellect that the questions could be construed several different ways.  Nick read the next question, "Can a belt jump?"  Mike asked, "What kind of belt is it, the one you wear on your waist or a car belt because my a belt in my truck can jump back on you."  One thing lead to another and then Nick was off on his almost daily political rant which I won't write about in my blog but trust me when I tell you Nick is very politically minded.  It was also at this point that I choose to walk away.  Who knew such simple questions would evoke such an interesting conversation with father and son this afternoon.

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