Sunday, January 8, 2017

Jays obsession with pecan pie

I have a confession, I've never made a pecan pie (until tonight).  After Thanksgiving our friends, Jami and Brandy, invited us over for their left over pecan pie and Jay absolutely fell in love with it.  For Christmas Brandy made us an entire pie and Jay devoured it.  Truly, had I known he would love it so much I would have made it years ago.  It makes me smile to know he loves it because surely my nanny is smiling down from heaven seeing her great, great grandson eating her favorite pecan pie.  Truthfully the look of it always turned me off but I must admit, I've developed a liking to it.  I bought the ingredients today in anticipation for Jay's birthday next week.  Tonight he begged me to make one for him.  Finally I relented but only if he agreed to make it with me.  After all, I'll take anything I can get from Jay these days.  So, the two of us set out together in the kitchen to make our first ever pecan pie.  It's still cooling as I blog so the verdict is out as to whether or not it's any good.  The best part was after it came out I was trying to take a selfie with Jay and I with the pie. Jay was trying to explain to me how to do it and I kept messing up and suddenly it occurred to me, this was me and my own mother...."What Amy, how do I send a group text?"  I know my mom is laughing right now.  See mom, it's not just you.  My almost 15 year old had to tell me how to take a selfie and I still failed, hence why there is only picture of a pie!  I sure did enjoy making my first pecan pie with my teenager tonight! 

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