Friday, January 6, 2017

This, that and the other

Today is the last day of Christmas break (Hallejah!).  We just have to get through the weekend and come Monday, my "darlings" will be back at school.  Overall, the break has been nice and relaxing but today is day 15 and let's just say we have cabin fever.  My mom got terribly sick right after Christmas so she wasn't able to spend as much time with the grands as she usually likes.  Thankfully she turned a corner this week and as I blog her and Nick are at the movies.  It's also very cold here now, like the kind of cold that takes your breath away.  I'm enjoying some much needed quiet time on my couch while my dogs stare at me.  I'm sure they are wondering why it's so quiet in the house.  There are no video games going, no back to back Simpsons episodes (oh yes, that's been a "fun" part of the break), no one is taking a shower (Jay's favorite past time this break), and there is no bickering!  Jay and his friend, Aaron, decided to brave the cold and head outside.  Nothing says stupid like 15 year old boys!  I am trying to get myself back in shape, which essentially means I'm trying to do something strenuous for 10 minutes without breaking into a sweat or breathing like I'm dying.  And really what does "being in shape" really mean at 42?  I'm trying to figure that out and how I want that to fit into my daily life.  I've started swimming and doing water aerobics and I absolutely love it.  I love being able to exercise on my own terms.  Ask me how much I like Zumba.  I also signed up for a once a week pilates class for 6 weeks.  This week when I did pilates I was in positions I haven't been in in 10 years, when I gave birth to Nick.  But, it's good for me.  I'm working muscles I haven't worked in a LONG time.  It's refreshing to see a new year start and it will be even better come Jan. 9 when I give my little send off to the boys!   

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