Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Flower boy Nick

 Nick kills me sometimes.  There is no in between with him.  You either want to hug him or strangle him.  Most of the time I want to hug him.  He's got a big personality.  He's sensitive, but he's also tough as nails.  He's funny, but can be serious.  He's articulate, but sometimes he makes no sense.  The other night we drove the back roads to a diner so we could buy pie.  As we drove Nick said he was watching for wild flowers to pick so that on the way home we could stop and he could pick them for me.  Sure enough, that's exactly what he did. 
 Many of these pictures are blurry.  My phone is old.  But you can see that Nick is almost doing a little dance as he picks the flowers.  He figured he might as well entertain me while he picked them. 

Nothing says picking flowers like kicking them.  Nick always makes things interesting!

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