Sunday, July 22, 2018

A new season

 Last night Jenny and I shared our last cocktail (for awhile anyway) around our half way made up deck.  This morning she and Faith are leaving for Alabama for orientation and then on to Texas, their new home.  Oh how that pains me to write that. I know God was preparing me for this for at least a year, but this hit me hard last night.  The Ausili's and my mom are weekenders at my house.  They are a fixture at my breakfast bar chairs with a cocktail in hand, laughing with me over something that happened during the week.  As I prayed last night, with tears streaming down my face, I heard God say, "Amy, I have not taken the Ausili's or your mother from you, they are still here."  And just like that my tears stopped.  I rejoice knowing that my mom will recover and she will be sitting back on my breakfast bar chairs, perhaps not with a cocktail (ha), but with laughter.  I rejoice knowing we get to visit TX and I rejoice knowing that the friendships between the eight of us can't be broken just because of distance.  My dear friend, Mary, said to me this week, "Amy, God must have thought it was time to move on, that in order for Him to complete the plans He has for all of you, this had to be done."  I trust God.  That is my mantra these day.  I know there are good things in store for us, all of us, including my mom.
 This was my mom a few days ago.  She is really doing well.  Everyday she progresses.  My sister and I see her everyday so we see the smaller baby steps she takes.  Her brother, Mike, saw her yesterday and he hadn't seen her in a week.  He was blown away by how much progress she had made in one week.  I am anxious to get her home, but I can guarantee not as anxious as she is about coming home.  The first thing I think about each and every morning is my mom.  Right now she's unable to just jump out of bed in the morning without assistance.  I am confident that soon she will be getting out of bed herself and making her coffee in her own kitchen.
 Along with Faith and Curtis, Daisy has been a fixture at our home for the last four years.  I love her, and I've so enjoyed getting to know her.  She loves my boys (see above).  Our last get together did look different, however, because Nick was at a party until 9 and Sieb, Jay, Curt and Ausili are in TX, so it was just us girls last night.  It was just the way I like it!  Jenny and I made our white trash meal of hamburger helper, corn and cheesy potatoes.

Our last big laugh together, at least for awhile!  How I love these women and what they have brought to my life.  I told Jenny last night that it was a sweet blessing that she was here the last two weeks.  Jenny loves my mom and not only would it have been hard on me to not have her here, but it would have pained Jenny greatly to not be here.  Jenny left today knowing that my mom is going to be okay, and there is a main floor bedroom waiting for her when we all come visit!
This next season of my life is filled with countless uncertainties.  What does our life look like without the Ausili's being planted here nearly every weekend?  What will the next two years and six years look like with my boys?  How far will my mom's recovery take her, and what will care giving look like for me?  What will our house look like when it's finally done, and how will it bless us and others?  And where will Mike take his business, will he even stay in the business?    I plan to live out this next season with patience and grace.  I plan to slow down.  I pray God opens my eyes and ears to all He has in store for me so that I don't miss it.

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