Sunday, July 29, 2018

One step at a time

 Slowly but surely my mom is taking baby steps forward each day.  Just this week her speech improved leaps and bounds - Praise God.  She is scheduled to come home in 3 days.  My sister and I are honored to care for her until she can live independently.  Another exciting accomplishment this week is the movement she is getting back in her elbow and right shoulder.
 It was a beautiful week, weather wise.  It wasn't stupid hot and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.  One day mom and I went outside after her therapies were over for her favorite dessert, ice cream.
 Nick went to church camp this week.  This year he got two of his friends to go with him.  The week did not disappoint!
 Mike and Jay went to TX to visit Ausili's.  They had a really good time and Sieb did several things for them around the house.  It was nice for Ausili's and Sieb to know that his hand has now touched their new home.
 The kids spent a lot of time in the pool in TX.  I have to admit last night was the first Saturday night Ausili's were gone and it was also a night that I'm sure had they been in town we would have spent it around the fire.  I missed them and it made me sad, but I dusted myself off, gave myself a firm talking to and decided I had better get use to this "new normal."
I just love this picture.  It's Nick and his friend, B. on their last day of camp together.  I'm so glad Nick and his friends got to go to camp together to learn more about God, and have fellowship together.

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